Paul Logan

Well rock and roll only hits down around 40hz. Not that sub 20hz that EDM might hit. So it’s fine. 

This is why no one likes you. 

I’m guessing they don’t have work for them to do. Last I checked companies don’t employ people unless there is work to do. Regardless of amount of cash in hand. It’s not a charity. 

Yeah. no other cops of any other color see hate thrown their way. /s

no. jfc. 

Bc this bill limits the actual academic teaching of periods before 6th grade, not talking about it period. (no pun intended). Does this site want to argue that sex ed should be taught prior to 6th grade? I’m certainly open to that discussion. But is headline is straight hyperbole.

Yeah no. A required and non maintained medical device resulted in a death. That’s negligence. Plain as day.

Pulling patents and trying to get any kind of proprietary data is a fools errand. There is nothing in there that would help actually build a product. 

Are you saying that booze mixers and salad dressings are not inherently not low cal?

Hard to reconcile your statement with canceling of zip a dee doo dah. Same concept applies. 

No one cares. 

But dozens of states have introduced Daylight Saving Time-related legislation”

Maybe the defining characteristic of Generation Y is its rejection of gender and sexuality classifications.”

“Don’t Count Him Out”? Nah. I can. He’s 100% never playing another NFL snap. 

Is that #15 car competitive?

Or you know, if it’s against the law, which it isn’t in CA, so that’s dumb. 

So bc he isn’t lobbying for legislature to fix massive, generational, systemic problems he sucks and is now labeled a white saviourist?

Since you don’t know either I guess yours and congress’s points are invalid. 

Are you suggesting we legislate USWNT and WNBA contracts? 

What’s your point? Men’s teams are basically ‘open’ leagues. If you qualify you play no matter what. There’s nothing that says a woman can’t be a #1 linebacker or point guard.