Paul Logan

Walgreens does $130B worth of business annually. That $54M is fucking nothing. Thats .04153%. A simple rounding error. 

Companies like this should be boycotted? Can you point me to an auto manufacturer that fits your criteria?

I was told that’s it’s only in America and America is by far the worst and it’s only white people. 

Pretty sure his job description as a prosecutor doesn’t remotely fall into best practices of how to run that facility.

I honestly wish they would 100% de-gender all sports and watch as only a small handful of girls get to actually play and only in pre pubescent ages.

Is this satire?

Snow on your grass is actually very good as it acts as a great insulator against the really frigid cold. Nothing worse than an abnormally cold winter with little snow.

That’s why those artists’ works are valued in the tens and hundreds of millions of dollars. Not thousands. 

Stupid. But that 15 week ban seems reasonable, especially since 12 seems to be the agreed up norm throughout all of western and northern Europe.

Bc he chose to not hire a fucking agent. 

Great. He’s limiting access to vital vaccines in a big way then. I mean, I get the reason for doing what he’s doing, but he’s going to harm a lot of people to make a point that probably won’t do anything in the long run. 

Nothing wrong at all with formula. Pumped milk is also a perfect happy medium. Your last point is 100% spot on. 

This is the best advice. I always tried to advocate for my wife what was in HER best interest. Bc if she’s good, baby will be even better. She wants to breastfeed, great! If it doesn’t work or it’s taking too much of a physical and emotional tole, hand that little fucker over to me and lets bottle feed. Stuff like

Wait. You’re mad that he invested in something that required hiring more workers, but the investment didn’t pan out and he now has to lay off the workers associated with the bad investment? Should he not have made the initial investment and not hired the required workers? Is that what you’re saying?

So Biden campaigns on disallowing all new leases. Doesn’t. Gas prices skyrocket bc of covid and oil companies rake in huge profits. Biden blames oil companies for greed and not investing. Now here is a huge investment opportunity and they want to cancel it? Or the greens want to cancel it but Biden wants it, but it

Would the fact that 80% of families have more than 1 child negate the premise that if, perhaps, you knew more, you wouldn’t necessarily decide to have kids?

That’s literally not at all what happened. Enjoy your fantasy. 

I mean, techincally, they didn’t sell, but the bidding certainly got to outrageously over MSRP. So they could have, in fact, sold at a ridiculous price, they just chose not to for some reason? 

I can buy an X5M for substantially cheaper than a Cayenne Turbo, but people like Porsche so they buy that. What’s your point?