Paul Logan

You can’t buy the ferrari. And the Rolls is a completely different car. Maybe they just like lamborghinis?

“Where was this outcry and frustration...when the harm imposed was in other areas that weren’t colored by race,” says Henderson. “When we had reforms for the bank industry, where is the outcry when we had reforms for the car industry? Or the airline industry? We had bailouts for all of them, with none of the same

Is anyone reading this website this dumb??

Just to have it all re-shuffled when the right is in control again? sure.

I’m excited. True lies is one of my all time favorite movies. 

You’re referring to the author of the article, right?

Check out generational wealth gap between black and white. Compare married college educated black households with single white households. The entire argument of black generational wealth being decades behind goes out the window.

Here’s the thing with cancel culture. It’s consequence determined by the people. There’s no govt entity canceling anyone. It’s the public determining they don’t like you anymore and will no longer support you. That’s it. Louis CK having an audience is up to the people. You can’t legislate or police his part in being

I know what you’re saying, but christ, optics means something. 

Realistically, I don’t think they have a choice. It hard enough to get production going on those lower volume high margin luxury cars, let alone banging out production on the high quantity low margin economy cars.

You’re right. It’s only republicans bringing up age in politics, specifically Biden’s. /s

That’s why they are trying to identify them as common carriers. 

It’s almost like, and stay with me here, a lot of people aren’t single issue voters. 

Yeah. which part? your post is ridiculous. 

Is there a glut of black women vying for sports journalism positions that aren’t getting them? citation needed.

Right. There are women and black women in sports journalism. Not a lot but they’re there. Like interior decorating and childcare journalism. there are men, just not a lot of them. That’s the point. 

right. And block women are in sports journalism. so. what’s anyone’s point?

He would have been fine if he just attacked her for whatever reason. But he attacked WOMEN across the board. They aren’t fit to essentially work after age 40 bc they are well past their prime.

$50k? for an interior that looks like it came out of an ‘01 corolla? minus the ridiculous screens of course.

It’s ALWAYS been about charge times. If you could re charge in a few min. no one would give a shit if the range was 200, 300, or 400mi.