Paul Logan

Wouldn’t the wide spread acceptance of transitioning, compared to 20 years ago, have had a drastic effect on suicides, if your statement is true? it hasn’t. 

how is it barbaric? Kids brains aren’t fully developed until their early 20s. How are full gender re assignments reasonable of 15 yr olds??

How can every argument regarding the brain development of children not include fucking gender reassignment. Kids are not fully developed until their early 20s, but hey, lets have full blown gender reassignment of 15 years olds. that makes sense.

It’s not like it’s her job or anything or that her answering questions on tv isn’t part of her daily routine. but sure. 


citation needed. Miss Houston would love a word with you. 

false equivalence is false. 

Low? It’s fantastically high. 

that’s just under 2%. There are roughly 463k sexual assaults and rapes in the US each year. Thats 1/10th of 1% of the population. So an NFL player is 15 times more likely to commit sexual assault than the average population. Adjust that for income and education and that number fucking skyrockets. 

I was going to comment. Isn’t the belief in jesus as the mesiah, the THING that really differentiates jews from christians? 


It seems that $56 amount is just for show and not viable based on the earnings call.

It looks cool. 

how could you misunderstand his question for defending racist behvior. fucking idiots.

Yeah. fuck that girl that tried to send a couple of innocent guys to jail on rape charges. nice victim blame. 

Are you suggesting we shutter every business that relies on minimum wage? The guys example is half bs. If your competitors are in the same market then everyone has the same issue and will raise prices accordingly. If his business is in competition with lower wage states, then he might be fucked. 

I mean, technically we kept society going. But at a MASSIVE cost. 

How about the cost of ripping out out all the dry wall to run new wiring from my garage to the breaker and re finish.

No. they didn’t the price of oil went up. Not bc of bp. bc of fucking traders.