Paul Logan

not like it would be sexualized by discussing sex work with your 5 year old. /s. 

Fucking buck thorn. 

Only one of the most classic sports car color combos in history. 

Currently shopping for a used one. 2021. Budget is ~100 so I’m not quite there yet. I hope I can score a deal in the next 6 months. $110k seems plausible. Hopes to have a $60k car 6 years from now when i’m ready to replace. 

why? You’re clearly taking care of yourself and probably doing a great job. It’s bad luck that the gene lottery made you bigger, naturally, making it difficult sometimes when smaller frames are required. No need to be so upset about it. You probably wouldn’t buy a tiny sports car bc it would be uncomfortable. Maybe we

So. Then don’t go to Universal. Problem solved. 

JC. It’s not discrimination. It’s a childs ride that some adults wont be able to ride. IT WAS DESIGNED IN JAPAN FOR JAPAN. Just bc it was built here, it was built on a design from Japan for Japan. 

I mean, cool story? 

You are an outlier. 

BC it was designed and implemented, initially, for the Japanese market. That’s why.

So, when you fell out of the ride bc you couldn’t fit you would sue them into oblivion. Can’t have it both ways. 

40mph speed limit. It’s meant for traffic. Which is still really cool. 

Have you ever been in a production waymo level 4 vehicle? You haven’t. It’s not remotely close for public consumption. This merc is. 

I think he was insinuating that it should have been a pat on the back of mercedes article first, rather than a bash tesla article. They could have followed up a nice mercedes article with a bash tesla article. Really, kudos to Merc for this. 

What, exactly, was predatory about it? The cost of a barrel of oil went up. End of story. 

I’ve tried to reply to this article, but I’m a nobody on jalopnik. Nothing interesting happened. Prices skyrocketed. Their margin stayed the same. There is no story here.

I agree. How do those profit controls work though? The only thing that happened was their revenue skyrocketed due to the price of oil skyrocketing. Blame the traders. The oil companies didn’t just double their margins overnight. They just sold a similar amount of gas at the current value of oil. 

They didn’t take advantage of an economic crisis. During the pandemic they LOST money. After the fact, when prices skyrocketed, their margin stayed in line, and were able to take advantage of higher prices. 

How did they extort america? The prices skyrocketed. Their margin remained in line. 

I’m on the fence about all this so called profiteering. I mean when prices go up, gross revenue goes up. Companies don’t change margin calculations bc of that. In high inflation high demand economies companies are going to make a fucking killing. It’s just the way it is. Should companies be forced to reduce margins in