Paul Logan

she got covid bc cloth masks don’t do much. If you are intent on masking up, put a fucking n95 on.

no? wtf are you talking about. 

wow. you need therapy. 

what;s your point? that your going to get covid on the plane? restrictions have been non existent in every other walk of life for nearly a year now. yet, little covid. my sons have been in person learning since september ‘20.

the air circulation is better and more filtered than the air you breath outside. relax and get back to your normal life. 

welcome to bitchlopnik. this place sucks. 

“with our arms and legs touching” that’s not how covid is passed. Also, unsure how a mask would help in this situation? 

the timeline and budget is beyond impressive. we weep at their efficiency. 

Have you not left the house in 2 years, honest question? 

seriously, the general consensus among everyone is fuck the masks. the senate and house are history and aren’t coming back. 

It doesn’t matter. the senate is 100% gone. House too. 

Good Bye Senate. What a fucking idiot. 

so, like challenger, but orders of magnitude cheaper. we know. 

I mean, you can basically use that excuse for anything.

Hasn’t everyone noticed the hilarious amount of ‘articles’ that have been reposted non stop lately? this place is such a joke. 

it’s not like tourism makes up nearly 7% of gdp in miami. fuck em though, i guess. 

for watching a race at disney world?

I mean, it’s not goin to not not take off. They have decade out plans to remove most of their ice trucks, but Ford will know in the next 5 years whether people give a shit about EVs. They will just transition back, if it’s not nearly the dream it’s been made out to be by jalopnik. 

only 2 of these are realistic in the short term. transitioning trucks to EVs and remote working, which won’t make much of a dent, but most of the remote workers will be in the city already on public transportation or on wildy short commutes in fuel efficient vehicles. I recon, that if we could transfer 50% of all

omg. 10,00 hummers will be produced. this will end the world for sure.