Paul Logan

Um. No kidding? What were you going to do, just screw a few dozen of these in and think, hey, im done, while still maintaining your rigid structure with the existing dry wall screws?

3/4" drywall does nothing for real sound insulation. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

don’t forget your green glue. 

Totally diff. Hydroxy is a tried and tested drug over many decades. It just wasn’t fda approved for covid. Those who were prescribed it properly were in no danger from the drug. just a false sense of security.

second the confusion? 

I was. Thanks!

mmm. You had me at buffalo trace. 

Pretty sure the developers are going to build wildly expensive massive condos. Not low income project housing. 

unemployment benefits are paying something like $17/hr. What’s the over/under on what it would take to get you back to work? $20/hr? $25?

Persian Jews, small, forgotten company, in LA? lol. They are fucking everywhere. Walk down the halls of Beverly hills high school.

While I don’t disagree, you are setting up new precedent that will 100% come back to bite you in the ass. Same reason removing the filibuster is stupid idea.

We’re good. Remember, we’re white. 

Shoulda gone with the Merc V12s. 

completely agree. 

Pro tip. Don’t worry about what other people think. They are all wrong. Buy what you like. 

did people not have to go to work before the pandemic? 

Their domestic revenue is also awesome. Fast 8 did $225M. Fast 7 did $335M. 

I’ll give you Dolby Vision, but atmos? Sure it supports it, but do you have a full blown 7.x.4 dedicated room? 99% of people don’t.

