Paul Logan

Unemployment is currently paying something like $18/hr. What’s it going to take to get someone back to work. 20$? 25$ 30$? I’m not sure but it’s probably something like $25/hr. That’s a hell of a minimum wage. 

Bc it’s slow?

nor should you be. eat a salad. 

Listen, our marketing team is totally different than our editorial, no wait, sales side.  

I’ve been running moca for years for my TiVo setup. Works great. 

The biggest problem is getting the hundreds of millions of cars on the streets today switched over. You need every single one in the loop for it to work. Not just 75%. That will take, what, 50 years alone, regardless if every new car sold is connected. 

Yeah. I honestly don’t understand that this is the hill the root wants to die on. There are tons of legitimate examples where cops acted in bad faith. This isn’t one of them. 


I imagine with a shit load of EVs in the state, the whole, no demand at night thing, will change dramatically.

Don’t confuse mini LED with micro LED. micro is better in every way compared to oled as it is emissive. Mini led can’t hold a candle to oled blacks and contrast. It is still a great piece of hardware with a crap ton of dimming zones and ability to get bright while maintaining good contrast. 

Did you really just write a whataboutism article?

why? and of course it would be expensive, but, you know, radioactive water and all.

They don’t call it the ‘All 22' for nothin.

an infection rate of less than 0.008%”

Did you know that it is ok to have first world problems. 

And? Harriot is trying to paint Wright in a much better light than warranted. robbing someone at gunpoint is not a victimless crime. What happened is fucked up, you don’t need to be needlessly and purposefully deceitful.

I like how comments are basically turned off on this “article”

I honestly want to know why it’s referred to as a coup. riot. yes. coup?? Has anyone actually seen an actual coup?