
Oh, that has to be it.

early morning and day time drinking is the best kind of drinking.

Good stuff, Lauren!

I agree with Ionized, I do think that Jezebel will survive. I’m chalking it up to the testiness of ‘the time of Trump’ and the entire ‘name and shame’ movement which, when it gives voice to the powerless, is positive. When it becomes an arbitrary widespread ethos among people of similar positions, it simply devolves

I’m not sure Jez itself won’t last but I wouldn’t be surprised if they radically changed commenting if it just leads to infighting. It’s either that or moderators. People forget that anyone can visit the blog to read a post, scroll down and see this behavior.

But think of the menfolk!

But you know who would put together this response to being called Meteor?

“And my experiences being reduced either”

Ionized! Your memory is prodigious!!

Was your initial comment giving voice to a perspective you have on abuse from personal experience, or was it you letting everyone know how much you dislike the Trump administration and think they don’t actually care about abuse of women?

I know you mean well, but you are wrong.

I’m going to very respectfully disagree with you.

Oh for real. Even the abuser will tell their victim that they’re being selfish if they decide to leave.

This is how you respond to someone who gently told you that they’re a survivor of domestic abuse?

You’re such a fucking chode but I have to admit that I chortled at this.

Dude. This community is full of trauma, we come here to help each other.

It is very much both things, not just the cognitive dissonance. Just consider the construct of the ‘difficult/brilliant man who is worth the heartache’ popularised in films, TV and music - in fact most films who have won the Oscar Best Picture deal in this trope, with the accompanying ‘long-suffering wife’ trope.

Women stay in abusive relationships due to the cognitive dissonance caused by traumatic bonding. It’s not really fair to place it on patriarchal conditioning, it demeans the strong women and not so strong women we are trying to defend.

In the way women are socially conditioned, there is often an emphasis on remaining and enduring when relationships are difficult. Commitment and self-sacrifice are often something women are expected to have in relationships more than men. This conditioning often causes the line of thought that a ‘strong’ women should

Hear, hear. I’m kinda tired of the first comment I always read, on a feminist blog mostly for women, is written by a dude, usually this particular dude. And his response indicates he seems tone deaf as to why that in and of itself is problematic.