
Oh Dear, I wish I could blame this on Trumpism, but I think that there is so much more going on here. If you would be willing to indulge me. For the past five years I have said “farewell” to at LEAST 10 solid writers and away they went. How did I know?” Well, how did I know..........?

For pity’s sake. Did you notice how MD absolutely refused to answer bottle_richard_creams_question? This is unacceptable. It was a valid question.

This is Peaches. She adopted a burner account for the sole purpose of taking down a commenter called Meteor Scented. But Mortal Dictata and SP&A kept telling her to back off. P obsessively followed every username that MD and SP&A CLAIMED was Meteor. In the end, they kicked her to the curb. All of this is ugly and

I truly (Really) wish I had your optimism. How many women-centered sites sprang up, and how many still exist? It breaks my heart. Truly DOES. But Jez is a business, and it isn’t operating on any kind of business model that keeps its target around:( :(

Haha! Every word of your post is eminently quotable, but:

Well asked Laboo!!

And five full paragraphs of this male’s suffering under family circumstances that so many young females are expected to accept as their run-of-the-mill “god” given lot in life.

So, MD just accused me of being the Infamous Meteor. I have seen many of his posts, and this is a recurring theme: a commenter challenges him, and that challenger MUST BE METEOR. Holy shit: there must be a dozen meteors at least. I remember that bad squabble, and I also remember the pure, undiluted hatred that drove

Times have changed. quickly, haven’t they? Change is - unfortunately the only constant. For those of us who have honored the “honor system” I don’t think that there is much hope.

It can often be difficult to know, eh? Let your wisdom guide you.

Tired, I feel like I’m re-living your ordeal, and I would bet that MANY women here are too. I understand your fear and your choice to adopt a “burner.” I have too. Some privileged commenters use this against us, because they believe that their “ungrey” status elevates their opinion and confirms their own prejudices.

Hey Peaches!

Kudos tornado. You have summed up the entire problem perfectly here (and those who choose to ignore it or refuse to see its wisdom... their own loss). Cross him and you ARE a bully, disagree and you are a birch out to get him, comment directly and you get dismissed.