Jason Momoa’s Aquaman is absolutely my preferred fish man fuck, but I would definitely do The Shape of Water fish man because life is short and I am not afraid of my inner monster fucker.
Jason Momoa’s Aquaman is absolutely my preferred fish man fuck, but I would definitely do The Shape of Water fish man because life is short and I am not afraid of my inner monster fucker.
That’s because humans were not meant to operate self-checkout machines. They were designed so that supermarkets could fire people, and that’s all they’re really good at. I didn’t get an education so that I could do a minimum-wage job for Safeway Corporation on my time off.
A) many of them didn’t offer it.
When we complain avout trucks and SUVs being too big, we’re not talking about our inability to drive them...we’re complaining about your inability to drive them and our inability to see around your unnecessarily giant commuter vehicle.
Native Oregonian here. Lived here my entire life. A few things to clarify:
That’s why they’re dominating the box office year after year; most of them are really good! Not “change the Oscar rules” Dark Knight great, but in terms of “paying $15 to laugh and be thrilled for two hours”, most of them get the job done, especially in 2017 with some truly superb entertainments. I’d rather watch…
Exactly. The superhero movies clean up at the box office till but there’s still plenty of room for original films to do well and tell human stories: Get Out, Lady Bird, Dunkirk, Baby Driver, The Big Sick and so forth.
I used to think superhero movies were generally lame and avoided watching them until I saw WW in the theaters. That got me seeing a few of the films like Ant Man, Spider-Man Homecoming, Iron Man, etc.
Right? Like....why can’t we have both?
Or that people can’t enjoy multiple things. Maybe she is one dimensional and assumes everyone else is as well, but most people aren’t.
Sorry Jodie, but the whole “superheroes/for the masses movies = bad” angle sounds like pretentious bullshit.
Moving the bed? Stop it; you’re in the room to essentially sleep and maybe fuck a little. Just leave things as is. There’s no need to redecorate the place.
“I’m such a horrible person, I’m so sorry, you must hate me right now” is a classic tool of the abusive partner.
Spurlock and his ilk are doing exactly what my ex used to do: preemptively come out and admit shitty behavior, verbally and publicly self-flagellate, agree with every assessment critics make about their character so they don’t have to listen, and hijack the conversation to talk about what huge assholes they were, but…
As I said before, you have no idea of whether or next the next person will use it or find it offensive. So leave the choice to them.
Okay, can you keep this copy of the Quran in your nightstand for me? You don’t have to read it, but it’s important to everyone else that it stays there.
“How about leaving it outside the hotel door so that the hotel staff can retrieve and replace it once you leave”
It’s not hotel property, but either way I don’t care. Leaving a book like that (which has nice things in it but also condones slavery) in my hotel room is an aggressive act. Of course I do understand that isn’t their intention, but it offends me deeply. You call it a “blessing,” fine, but it’s not my responsibility…
i think i would like a copy of collected shakespeare's sonnets in a nightstand. or a collection of a c clarke's short stories. how about the great gatsby? or something by kerouac, just for kicks?
i know, a torah scroll, so they can charge you a thousand bucks if you damage it.
Why are there bibles/other religious books in ever hotel room in the US, anyway?