
Shouldn’t we just get with times and start defending abortion as the ultimate case of “Stand Your Ground”? Then we could re-tool D&C instruments to be a gun-like apparatus. Instead of being vilified as feminazi baby-killers, we would be hailed as heroic defenders of the Second Amendment. Who’s ready to form a militia

Please help! Can anyone please explain what is going on in that picture? Does she collect mermaid scalps? Does she dive in evening gowns, heels (no fins) and wig? Is she hugging the remains of a pirate witch who was guarding his treasure? Is that a photo-op with Putin? I can’t sort this out.

You JUST joined kinja to say this and you’re a non-grey?!?eleventy! I’m so sick of being grey! (Rage throws shit around like a challenging primate.)


That picture has me taking deep, long breaths to get out of the claustrophobic, panic attack it’s caused. I wish I was joking.

When it’s pseudo-substitute isn’t used to sell pseudo-health products...AKA, snake oil.

She wrote fineeeeee. If that’s a mash-up of fine and funneeee, I’m in. Nothing’s finer than someone that effortlessly (seemingly) funny.

Please and thank you from a fucking graybeard (if ya knows what I mean lads and laddies) but damn, I love these guys for going there each and every season.

Of course I’m high as fuck right now, I’m from Oregon. Wheeeeeeee! I’m flyyyyyying!

Your dad was Steven Spielberg?!

So sad :-( Thank you for sharing that.

You win the gene pool!

Looks like I picked the wrong day to break my time machine...dayum!

If you haven’t seen the movie about his fuckery in Scotland, “You’ve Been Trumped”, please watch it right away. I think it’s still on Netflix.

When is this country going to stop ignoring and/or celebrating blatant evil? All Dubya and Darth Cheney and the Duggar elders and the televangelists have to do is wrap their agenda up in “christian values” and old testament bible quotes to justify any kind of evil. This includes (but not limited to) torture, murder,

Sorry, but THE true Khaleesi would have freed you from such brutal slavery and burned that finger-snapping bitch to the ground.

You silly! That’s because pregnancy is punishment for being a trashy slut. Even if you say it’s rape or incest, you can’t prove that you didn’t do something trashy, slutty or trashily slutty to provoke that poor, angelic, man-child who shouldn’t be expected to control his god-given boner. So you shut your little whore

Well, hi-diddely-ho there neighbor!


I was just reading an article about the huge cities they’ve built that look like famous cities in the U.S. and Europe. They’re now sitting empty and unfinished.