Push the Button Max

Happenstance is different than active planning. Your friend of a friend’s friend didn’t plan on getting the shot, they just happened to be there at the right time and if they didn’t get the shot it probably would have gone to waste. Better somebody get it rather than it being trashed. There’s no moral question there.

A non-Jewish child raised in a Jewish household might very well be Jewish in a religious and cultural sense - but in so far as many people consider Judaism to be an ethnicity? No. They wouldn’t be ethnically Jewish and it would be false to claim so. Bannan didn’t claim that she was culturally Latinx, that she had been

All she had to do was say I appreciate and admire the culture, and want to help with my talents. There are plenty of good people like that. I went to USC, you’d be surprised how many rich white kids in Southern California were primarily raised by their Latin nannies. This one friend of mine spoke perfect Spanish,

so many shades of Dolezal. I can have empathy for her if she did grow up with step-fathers who were latino (and their closeness was what she claims), because that would inevitably shape your sense of family/identity.

Here is everything I endured for the privilege of putting the honorific “Dr.” on my credit cards . . . .

The classism in the disdain for community college issues hit me worse than the misogyny and the fucking KIDDO. This guy is a prick. Lost in time and space, but still a pustulent phallus.

He’s racist and homophobic. He and Eric Rasmusen need to be besties and fuck off into the sun.

I will still “doctor” people after a kind correction because I worked DAMN hard for my degree. I will never apologize it. No one does this to men.

There are enough actual pedophiles and sexual assaulters in Hollywood and the world in general that I just can’t work up any interest when two adults of vastly different ages date, so long as they’re both adults. I only have so much outrage in me.

“Either way, congrats Mindy on building the family you want in whatever way works for you.”

Chadwick Boseman was such an amazing person, and you never heard about all the wonderful things he did from him, only from all of those who are mourning his passing.  

That’s great of Chadwick Boseman to do that. Of the horrible mess of 2020, I think his death affected me the most. He already had a wonderful decade of work but it felt like his career was just taking off.

Do yourself a favour and watch it. It’s actually a really good film!

I found an interview he did a few years ago:

Is his face in asymmetrical or is that a weird camera trick? And like most young people who get a little cashola, his ink is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD.

Donald Trump: “Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”
Conservatives: “I’m fine with this.”
Cardi B: *Drops WAP (it’s fire)
Conservatives: “THiS iS DisGuSTInG & ShE ShoUlD bE AsHAaaaMED!!!!!11"

PLEASE include either the National Suicide Prevention Hotline or some other relevant resource when posting articles that discuss suicide or self harm. It is genuinely not that hard. It seems that Jezebel has fully committed to not including this information on recent articles addressing suicide.

Goats do care, but only insofar as they can use what you want to make sure they do the opposite in as spiteful a manner as possible. Have you ever milked a goat? You gotta tie some of them down, and all of them will try to kick the milk bucket over when you’ve finished. They taste delicious though.

Ha! Shows what Kale-le-layleeeee (however the fuck it’s spelled) knows. There’s only ONE dog on Paw Patrol that is a cop.

I’ve heard several people say “I don’t like taking my meds. It makes me feel like ‘not me’”.