Push the Button Max

It’s gonna be real weird for all my friends who have ever put their arms around me to learn that we are now in a relationship that we have publicly debuted.

Pretty sure the cameraman made a racist joke moments before that picture was taken...

“While this may have been a false alarm, judging by the reactions to the the flag ban and Wallace’s activism, there is still much work to be done in the sport.”

Now playing

Mediamatters did a wonderful Fucker Carlson mashup with the actual violence going on:

wHY dOEsn’T he JuST gO baCK to WHerE hE caME frOm IF hE dOEsn’T LiKE iT hERe???

I 100% agree. It’s one of those things where we’ve learned that racism is bad, and therefor racist people are bad, and we’re not bad, or at least we don’t think we are, ergo, we can’t be racist. If we make a racist assumption, or happen to stumble upon some part of ourselves with racist perceptions, well, surely that

This ‘family as performance’ shit is angering in ways I cannot reasonably put into words using my mushy quarantine brain.

If Kelly Ripa was already in the Caribbean with her family, had been isolated long enough to know that they weren’t infected, and has practiced safe measures while down there, I can’t say that I blame her for not boarding a plane and returning to the COVID epicenter when all hell broke loose. Understandably, this is

If you feel like going buck wild (it’s quarantine, why not?), I suggest scrambling some eggs into her dirty fried rice. I may have been drunk one time when making it and drunk me thought: hey, fried rice has eggs in it! I’m going to add eggs.

Drunk me did not lead me wrong. 

I have some Cravings items too. I wasn’t deliberately shopping for her stuff but it met my needs for a reasonable price and it’s still useful today, even with my clumsy ass dropping shit all the time.

Sew big buttons inside the corners of your duvet cover and sew elastic loops to the corners of your comforter. This will prevent about 90% of the hassle. 

Like, the Civil Rights Act wasn’t passed by sitting with arms folded and telling everyone to go fuck themselves. It was passed by LBJ making political deals.

(Except that someone would inevitably read the ‘monster’ as an allegory for.....)

Yasss! These foks out chere talking bout she gotta body built like a man. PUH-LEASE! I just don’t get it. I want those hips!

Anyone complaining/ writing about this child’s hair under the guise of “concern” needs to take a good, hard, and long look at their unconscious beliefs about natural black hair. This ridiculousness has gone off for too many days. Leave this child and her perfectly fine hair alone.