Push the Button Max

Here’s some free Loss Prevention 101 training:

Seriously! I mean, both my Nanas and my great-grandmother would wrap their hair up at night (a habit they’ve passed down to me: my hair is super short and prone to bedhead). The Italian/Portugese heavy town I am from had a plethora of women who would wear scarves outside to keep the wind from messing with their hair!

One of my favorite things to do when people use dog whistles like that is to play dumb as fuck. A friend of a friend’s sister commented that she didn’t like how “dark” her neighborhood has gotten and I was pretending I thought she was talking about street lamps. This went on for ages and she kept getting increasingly

As a scientist, it frustrates me to no end how amateur scientists (e.g. people that “do their research” on the internet) warp the scientific method, something that is the basis for all reputable science, into this unrecognizable process.

Also they act like their ancestors just suddenly appeared in Europe one day instead of ALL humankind originating from the African continent. But that’s that librul commie science talkin I guess.

can’t surgically alter a personality or misogyny though. so, the problem for these dudes will remain.

I have probably had too much white wine, but your prose is just knocking me out.

If I can be blunt, destigmatizing mental health issues is more about the people surrounding a mentally ill person than the mentally ill person themselves.

You don’t need to defend your food choices and body size to a stranger on the internet. It’s insulting that FreeCharlie felt the need to step in and critique your life.

Yes, that’s what is killing me with all these people, especially Black people, who have been calling for his head from the beginning. It’s weird to have Black people suddenly believe every leaked detail from the cops and demand that someone be charged with a felony for false reporting. I don’t see anywhere near as

I’m so sorry for your loss. I still miss spending holidays with my grandma. 

It’s never the woman you know either. It’s never the opinionated, happy-seeming, confident woman being abused. It’s never the happy mother, the dedicated wife, the accomplished physician. That woman would never be abused. She would stop it. She would not put up with that kind of thing. Her upbringing didn’t

But is he pestering her to get pregnant again or simply for more children? It’s hard to tell from context here. He might just be suggesting they continue with surrogacy. (He seems too narcissistic to consider adoption.) That can still be problematic in some ways, especially since he doesn’t strike me as a particularly

Are you suggesting that if someone made you uncomfortable and felt threatened you wouldn't follow them into an elevator????

Sounds like the writer was at some press event or Q & A deal that Drew did and just took those sound bites, wrote the piece in Arabic, and then the magazine translated that text into English.

To be clear, NO ONE should be defining what happened to Ariana except Ariana. Catastrophizing hurts victims, yo. SHE says it’s accidental, she said it to the police and declined to make a report. and if that’s where she wants to be with it, let her be there. Let her tell her story. And if she changes her mind later,

It makes me so angry and sad at the same time.

The Trump genes are too strong--they can thwart even cosmetic surgery.

My wife works at Barnes & Noble corporate office and she didn’t know about the Stormy Daniels book until I informed her of the email to pre-ordersaid book this morning.