Push the Button Max

Dave Grohl is from the DMV and pays homage and due respect to all Black artistry including GO-GO. I disagree with your header as he has always been about the music of our folks with humility and reverence. Always. Idk where the privilege was presented especially since he publicly and privately gave Tony Thompson his fl

You had me right up until you started talking about lithium. You need to go look up the effects of lithium toxicity. If they were making her take enough to cause delirium, then they were giving her wayyy too much. It is not a safe drug at high doses. Have you ever seen what happens to people who were given large doses

I feel like a big piece that’s missing from the conversation about Britney’s case is that a person can have a guardian of their estate and not of their person - it’s not even an uncommon situation, where a person might not be capable of managing their estate (essentially, their finances) but is absolutely capable of

Meanwhile, every other family dealing with a severely mentally ill family member can’t get ANYONE to even try to “help.” I guess because serious money is involved? WTF?

The standard medical advice if one suffers from bipolar disorder is to reduce stress as part of a long term management plan. If her conservator was meant to help her manage her illness then they were doing a piss poor job of it by working her to the bone. It would be like feeding candy bars to someone with diabetes. Ke

this is true and also why I think private apologies matter m0re than public ones, and really that as we all know as normal people- usually when you truly regret your past actions it’s not because you got called out or caught. You just one day look back with perspective and you’re horrified and ashamed of yourself. And

I think that while the messages were private, it was something she probably bragged about to friends and that people in her circle egged on with laughter and praise. What gets me is when people like Teigen explain their behavior, it’s a moot point. We all know why bullies, trolls and mean girls do what they do. I do

Not a fan of hers but I’m baffled at why *now* people have realized that’s she’s a bully. She’s always been this way and I’m pretty sure a lot of people bashing her were cheering her on with “Yaaassss Qweeeennn” years earlier.

I tell you what, if a high school principal asked my teenage daughter to unzip her zipped jacket so he could see what she was wearing, he and the district would have been slapped with a lawsuit so fast and hard their teeth would have flown out of their heads. Asking a teenage girl to unzip her jacket? What a fucking

This story is brought to you by the letter “I” for insufferable and the number 0 for fucks given.

My dog, Napoleon, had cancer and I eventually had to see about putting him down rather than let him suffer until he died naturally. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I felt his heartbeat stop when the Vet did it.

Exactly this. I have severe allergies that restrict my food choices, but I would never go after a store or restaurant for not catering to ME with labeling or food choices. Come ON.

Didi needs to take the L on this one, calling out specific ingredients not in a product is much more helpful for making informed decisions than saying who the audience is. Like “diabetic cookie” could mean anything, but “sugar-free” is pretty easy to understand. And some more-than-it-should-be percentage of people

Exactly. At least half of the people who order vegan cheese from us aren’t vegan, they’re lactose intolerant. 

Uh, I think Demi should speak for herself. As someone who has to rigorously avoid gluten (can’t afford the Celiac testing but the elimination diet don’t lie) it is a relief to see things overtly labeled GF. What is embarrassing to me is having to ask for special treatment by requesting a different  menu. With it out

I had to read that part five times to understand what the issue is. As someone who can’t have gluten or dairy, but who is neither a celiac nor a vegan, I appreciate when food is labeled for what it is (or is not), and not for particular conditions or diets. Something vegan might have gluten in it, something for

As I understand it, wearing a mask when you feel under the weather but can’t avoid being out in public is the standard thing to do in Japan. The rest of the world really ought to emulate it. I know I will be from here on out.

There is so much wrong with this even from a theological standpoint that I don’t want to go digging up chapter and verse for right now because I will be here all day. But when Mary was asked to carry Jesus, she was ASKED, she could have said no. If even God needs consent then this fat fuck does too. Can we start a go

I am happy to hear that your family made it though safe, and here's to hoping that their electric bill stays low! I am going to be an active participant in future city council meetings to address this, and I hope your family is able to engage theirs as well, to pressure some change. If enough Texans can do that,

As a Texan that is part of a municipality, I’m going to ignore the arrogance and condescension in your reply (ESPECIALLY given that this is an article about the senseless death of an 11 year old boy- a child) and educate you on what’s going on: