Push the Button Max

So the no title thing is the only area that I think the royal family can actually be explained with any legitimacy. That is a rule or “article” from the Queen’s father I believe. I imagine that it could be changed by the Queen but she seems to really hold on to tradition. Harry’s kids only become princes or princesses

This happened with my uncle when he was a kid. My grandmother had to work all day and had no family available to watch him while she was at work and my mom and sister were either in school. So my grandmother paid the lady next door to watch him. This lady did not speak a lot of English and my grandmother worked long

If I remember correctly from interviews and a book about her childhood Drew Barrymore’s situation was not solely mental health related. She did not have a normal childhood in anyway. Her father came from Hollywood royalty but they also seemed to have addiction issues, her mom was taking her to night clubs where she

I have family in Texas and have been checking in on them throughout this whole ordeal. I was giving advice to one of my cousins about what warm weather items they may want to have on hand to make things more bearable if a storm like this were to come through again, which given the environmental issues, seem likely.

This!!! Being raised by someone who is Latinx may mean you have cultural ties but you still don’t get to claim that you are something you are not. I am not sure why this needs to keep being repeated, if you are going to claim some ethnic or racial background that is not your own it is a lie. If you are non- Hispanic

No it isn’t. Your mother is actually Scottish and made sure that you knew her family’s history and appreciated your heritage. I believe you saying that you are Scottish and English is very accurate if that is how you wish to identify even if you have never lived in Scotland. In the US you will find that even many

I love the book and really enjoyed the original mini-series so I have some biases going into this one. Still, I am really excited to see what this version will be like. I will say that I was not prepared for the time jumps really and they were a little confusing. It might be because I was tired and on cold meds when I

I started my higher education in a community college. It saved me somewhere around $20K back in the early 2000's since my in-state school has been near the top of most expensive state university lists for decades. My parents did not have the money to put three kids through college so they put none of us through and

I wholeheartedly agree. One of my former roommates is a Ph.D. She chooses not to use her honorific but had she chosen to do so I can definitely say it was well earned. I moved in with her a year into her Master’s I think and we were roommates all through her Ph.D. I can honestly say that just from watching the amount

I would benefit a great deal by having the student loans wiped out or even knock out $10,000 off the principle. I am guessing that having all federal loans completely gone is not going to happen,which I am fine with. What I most hope to see is that the loan set ups change so that one can expect to pay off the actual lo

I am happy to hear that Aweng has been able to pursue help after attempting suicide and that she seems to have continued to do so. I am also happy that she mentions the challenges faced by her wife after the attempt. Speaking from experience, there is nothing I can think of that is harder to process than realizing

There are people who are anti-abortion that are in it for the hate, they could care less what a person does as long as they get to be self-righteous about how they would never. I grew up around many people who are pro-life and I have learned to watch how they handle themselves around women who choose to not have an

Even with voluntary hospitalization, things can go wrong on the medical treatment side that causes the person to never want to go back. The last time my sister checked herself in because her meds stopped working, her intake doctor was listed as the main provider and then went on vacation the next day. This caused a

As a sibling of someone with a SMI that sometimes causes them to make very expensive and unwise financial choices, I think Jamie Lynn’s requests make a good deal of sense. It is important to make sure that Brittney Spears finances are set-up in away that protects her and her children from predatory people trying to

I wish we took rape more seriously in this country. Hearing everything she went through both before and after the rape, it is amazing that she was able to function at all. Our legal system, and to be honest, our society treats rape as if it is just a small physical wound when really it hurts people emotionally,

I think you may be spot on with your thoughts on one of the reasons Kanye, and many other people with SMIs refuse medication. I work in the mental health field and have family that is greatly effected by bipolar disorder. My sister who is a musician has described certain meds as shutting a door because it changes how

My sister has bipolar disorder and experiences similar symptoms to what Kanye described. There are several types of bipolar disorder and I believe type 1, if I remember correctly as I often mix up the types, definitely can have psychotic features like delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized thinking. Kanye’s

That is the best description I have heard. I have a family member with a serious mental illness and a sensitivity to medications that is hard to balance and the only reason she is not hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to various hospital systems is because she spends weeks after hospital stays fighting charges

Yes, the bill will vary depending on his insurance coverage, which I believe he would have had through his actor’s guild membership unless he opted out. Then it would be based on what the insurance agreed to cover. It is likely that the bill will still be huge even with the insurance because of the length of time in

I believe you hit the nail on the head here. One of the worst things to teach a person is that racism is only done by truly evil groups and people that behave in obviously racist ways. It gives everyone else an escape when it comes to owning our own racism. All those little microaggressions that we don’t notice and