Push the Button Max

I am not sure how many of Teigan’s recipes fit with your eating style, but she has some really good basics. I recently read her rice pudding recipe and am planning on giving it a shot because it is really simple and she mentioned that she likes to make it with brown rice, I have never had it with brown rice and think

I think there is a better than even chance. My mom had a really hard pregnancy with my younger sister and was told that in all likelihood she would either have a stillbirth or potentially die herself. Fortunately both she and my sister were fine, but afterwards my dad was all in on getting a vasectomy. He adores my

You should feel however you feel right now. Don’t put added stress on yourself to feel some kind of way about anyone else’s situation. It isn’t selfish or wrong to be focused on what is happening in your life right now, even to the exclusion of having the energy to feel strongly about others at the moment.

I think her hair looks great for a full day of school. My niece looks like she wandered through a wind tunnel, survived a tornado, and then stuck her head out the car window within the hour of doing her hair. So this kid looks like perfection to me.

In all honesty the dog probably had an issue with the hat and not the race of your fellow student. I have a dog that hates hats and is more upset about men in hats than women. I have no idea why, but in general he responds better to women than men regardless of headwear. The “racist” dog thing is a weird arguement

Same situation with one of my uncles. My grandmother was the breadwinner in the family and had to go back to work after he was born. The woman next door watched the baby and she spoke little English. My uncle learned Spanish before English and, while he is no longer fluent, his memory for the language is amazing and

Meanwhile in California there has been measles outbreaks, hepatitis A outbreaks, typhoid fever,TB, and an increase in staph infections. Not all of these are connected to vaccines obviously, but maybe Cali is not the state that should be undermining good public health policy right now. They are like seconds away from

“So you learn to live with the creature; to make peace with it. You learn to respect it and to make room for it so that it will not consume you. You understand that sometimes it changes, and sometimes you do, and that what once worked in the past may need to be tweaked or scrapped. You co-exist with it and you

Also, speaking as someone with a close relative with a serious mental illness, money issues can be a symptomatic indicator for some disorders. The intent of the person is to be responsible and they may do that 95% of the time, but if they hit an episode of mania or something like it than everything they have access to

I know for me I have come to a point where I realize that yes, losing weight is something I need to do, but also, before I can do that I need to figure out a better relationship with food. I am currently focusing on a mild form of intermittent fasting specifically so I can learn the difference of wanting food and

I appreciate your attitude towards exercise, that you do it in part to deal with stress. It is always so easy to focus on it as a means of weight loss and the to get frustrated when that doesn’t happen as fast as I want. Focusing on the other benefits and making it a priority for that purpose is much better. I am glad

My BIL is a mechanic and loves trains and cars. He has one daughter and two sons and all three love cars, trains, and dinosaurs at the moment. My niece is going through a pink and purple phase but it was not totally pushed on her and no one has a problem with one of her younger brothers also really loving pink. My

It is never easy dealing with family that thrives on drama or who need every event to be about them. One would hope that your sisters could get it together enough to be able to enjoy a Christmas together with your mom considering the circumstances. The hardest thing to do is to accept that sometimes the people we are

Having been raised in a military family, I can’t tell you how much I agree with this. I remember every time my dad was gone for more than a few weeks and came back and how difficult it was. I was always happy he came home but those moments are generally a culmination of happiness, excitement, all the fear you are

DBT is highly effective, and I am sure Davidson has more options than most in terms of where to seek help, but DBT can be hard to find. I have a family member that needs it and there are only a handful of practices in her area. She lives in a pretty large metropolitan area. Fortunately she found a doctor that offers

I lost my grandfather to Alzheimer’s two years ago. He lived twenty years after his initial diagnoses. About ten years in, he still was able to recognize people with some prompting but was very easily confused and could forget whole years sometimes. He explained it to my dad and my uncle as “everything is still there

I am so sorry. My grandfather had Alzheimer’s and my aunt and uncle were his primary caregivers because the rest of us lived far away. Definitely check with your local Alzheimer’s associations and Medicare offices. They may have at least respite care opportunities so that you and your brother can have time to care for

Here are my two. They are awesome and crazy.

Many moons ago I was a student at this campus and can say that the school used to have a much better version of this idea. The Office of Human Relations Program offered mediated discussion groups that students had to apply to be a part of. Some of the.groups were meant to foster understanding between people of

If I did it again I would probably stick to one country. There is so much to see and do. I was gone for ten days and could have just done Stockholm and probably felt like I had just enough time to enjoy the city.