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    @Berkeley: And a lot of devices use A-GPS, which uses the data connection to get a quick lock.

    @Totenglocke42: "being able to shift in an emergency and avoid being hit."

    @Goopplesoft: Depends what you're trying to achieve. If you were taking a picture of a landscape, for instance, and wanted a sense of depth you'd want them metres apart. Of course then looking at the image it would feel like a model, as we'd not be used to seeing that level of depth on a large scale.

    @GoldVrod: "I created the software that allowed people in the UK to use their touch tone phones to play games."

    @FasterThanJamesMay: Yeah, but no one assesses these 'works of art' in terms of their aesthetics, it all seems to be about the intention and statement behind them. Which seems to be at odds with at least this definition of art [dictionary.reference.com]

    I guess I'm being dense, but why is it art rather than philosophy? I've never understood that.

    @bilbopoop: They didn't embed the link for a reason.

    @Jimmy1: You've completely missed my point. What I was saying was that all you've done is brought a lump of plastic, it hasn't benefited the publishers or authors. I wasn't commenting on the morality of doing so or not doing so.

    @Settings: It's description seems as over-hyped as this announcement.

    @Jimmy1: And you get to keep that lump of plastic to remind you how ineffectual copyright laws currently are, lest your ripped collection suddenly become illegal again.

    @Robotronic: No, I just have no interest in Apple Corps business model, outdated or otherwise.

    "The Secret Life Of A Safety Car Driver"

    @egoods: Nasty! That's not the safety car, though. Although whoever's driving it is a massive idiot, stopping right on the line for that corner! (What were they even doing on the track?!)

    Unless you're a Beatle, or in their pay, why care? Apple's magical announcements are really becoming grating, this one even somehow made it onto my local radio station.

    @MrCheatachu: Much as I agree with you, it seems a bit harsh to dictate his concert experience to him. Couldn't you have just squeezed a few feet to the left (probably behind another guy with a camera) or was it a seated affair? In which case, fair play :)