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    @Etarip: Thanks for the post, very enlightening :)

    @supercameraman: That would be pretty impressive, let's hope it happens :)

    @ericlaw02: The Kinect is only in VGA, doesn't mean the tech won't scale for those with the money.

    @Slinkytech: It would have been a pretty trivial tech demo, too.

    @Finstern: "One of these, just like a camera, could never survey an area in 360 degrees all by its lonesome."

    @gamerjason88: Seeing the large sweep he got from one camera, I'd guess 3 (for the minimum, not optimum). All comes down to the FOV though (and how much you have overlapping).

    @InsanePenguin: Nope, the Kinect provides the data to make this easy. There's a difference.

    Nice. Hopefully he'll experiment with multiple cameras too.

    Sorry, image fail - wrong pic (and of course, now I can't remove it)

    @theprancingboar: I thought it was a nice analogy :) Definitely too good to be true, though.

    @DavidWizard: There are ways to keep it in there, but there's no point in trying to defeat the system as it'll just impact elsewhere.

    You know that 'memory cache' will just end up back on disk if it gets paged out - which if it's any decent size (100mb is tiny) it will.

    @AqueousBeef: You mean yours can't? Wow, that must suck.

    @Caleb Goessling: I don't think so. I hope not, anyway :) I didn't think it had any proprietary formats, though.

    @ab3: That's pretty offensive.

    @Gundem: Probably because it came across as not-very-objective.

    @dj-hq: "I think swype will be far more successful because you can rely on the way you are used to using keyboards."

    @.Trenchant.: "it probably requires the CPU to be active for processing voice commands"

    @Raso719: Classic. I miss TNG :(