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    @Tabarnaco: Yeah, I'm jealous. I only speak three languages. Oh... Gee, I guess not everyone needs to boast about it.

    @datafox: It's a good point. Wikipedia list the reasons on the Canon L series page as being heat and branding, but I suspect it must be mostly branding for the reason you suggest.

    @herald: I don't think I've ever found one with fees, or had trouble using one I've been given. But I might just have been lucky.

    @warezIbanez: If she likes Starbucks, sounds like a nice gesture to me :)

    @Vega7: Yeah, I think they're white to make them absorb less heat. Which probably only matters for larger/expensive lenses.

    @916CALLTURK: Where do you get those numbers from? $3.5m does sound like a lot, but maybe less so if it includes the initial design/costs.

    In camera lens world white means expensive, right? If so I would not want to be responsible for taking that picture :)

    Oh that's clever, another advert popping over this box, invisibly this time. Do your advertisers hate us, giz?

    @Graviton1066: I guess it depends what your goal is.

    @TheCrudMan: On the consoles, I'd have to agree. But the CGI version looked practically perfect, suggesting that given time and a new generation of hardware (PC/X720/PS4), games might finally be able to leave the valley.

    @im2fools: I think the CGI version managed to make it out of the valley, it looks almost perfect to me. That would suggest given time and better hardware (i.e. PC/X720/PS4) we could start to see it in games.

    @klyph: Apparently they lack other fairly standard features such as subsurface scattering and self-illumination, so still early days I reckon.

    @Purple Dave: I thought the console version was in uncanny valley, but the CGI version (disembodied head on black) looked almost perfect to me. I think given some time and a new generation of console hardware (or just the PC) we could see similar results in-game.

    @Ben Zvan: The console one looks that way, but the disembodied head (i.e., the CGI quality one) appears practically perfect to me. So given some iteration, and a new generation of hardware, I suspect this technique could drag us out of the valley, finally!

    Those new buses are pretty sweet. Didn't have to do much to them to tronify them :)

    So what's the tech behind the holograms? Or are they just saying they think we'll stumble upon a way to implement them between now and then.

    "including instant speech translation [...] is still floating out there in the future"

    @Ham_Sandwich: "My point was that early adopters of 3DTV should be cautious" ... "get rid of the glasses"