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    "But then again, why make the planes with a cockpit when they can save millions by taking out sophisticated instrumentation and life support systems?"

    @zaxwashere: "the bleeding edge of awesome."

    @AgamemnonV2: I think they're referring to a fictional unified Korea, but I don't disagree :)

    @Undead Ponies: That doesn't sound like trolling to me, but if it were I don't think it's a good idea to promote it.

    @NaraVara: Unless I'm much mistaken, salt isn't used as a preservative in those kinds of foods. The sauces are probably quite high in salt (~1%, not enough for any real preservation), but that's common of most ketchups e.t.c., not just McDs.

    @AgamemnonV2: If it wasn't for the current nuclear stalemate, I think invasion would be much less far fetched. I guess if it actually came down to it, population would become relative as any invading country would end up throwing everyone they could at the war effort, so as you say someone the size of Korea might not

    @NaraVara: I agree, although when I used to work at McDs the only salt added to the burgers and chips was added after cooking so it wouldn't have helped preserve it. And we didn't usually salt the burgers even then 'cos no one could be bothered :)

    @AgamemnoimnV2: Actually in terms of total size of their armies they're 2nd and third place behind neighbours Russia with around 13,000,000 more soldiers than the US. I can't imagine their hardware is all that impressive though.

    @Doug Buffone: Apparently the two Korea's are second and third for largest armies, giving a combined total of just less than Russia and almost 10 times the US's. And the North is a nuclear power, just.

    @lostarchitect: There's gotta be an element of it, 'cos plenty of non-fast food restaurants serve primarily 'unhealthy' food but avoid the constant vitriol.

    Good work that man.

    @Geisrud: Did you put the glasses on?

    It's got a 4K2K screen, so even with the lenticular lens and in 3D

    "The Xbox 360 Kinect can be confused by large dogs and wildly

    @plasticmouse: It's true, in fact I have a dispenser out back.

    @Tynee: Good man :)

    @yamatosword: They got those big soft blobs on the end which might

    This thread has the funniest pictures since Mr Cigar Golf Man*.