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    @spectralveil: You mean over the DS? I thought it was quite a significant difference.

    @Nitesh Singh: Games on phones have the overhead of their OS, handhelds don't really have that problem. I'm sure the games on it will look just fine, look at what devs managed on the DS with it's paltry specs.

    @pjcard: Also, is this a late entrant for the gizmodo Single Space Composite photo contest? ;)

    Nooooo! I'll have one!

    Didn't number two break the rules (or at least the spirit) of the competition?

    @brijazz: I thought exactly the same thing.

    @usedtowork: Ah, the old form factor problem. What's good for books, web and movies is less good for magazines, newspapers and bags. Flexible screens FTW :)

    @Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: My 5800 geotags my photos, as long as it gets a GPS signal around the time it was taken. Kinda nice to see where they were taken when looking back on them. I definitely wouldn't bother doing it manually though.

    @YellowRex: Oops, you're right. I meant e-readers.

    @triplecheeseburger: I agree. It looks fairly awesome, but I'm yet to actually get my hands on it to see for myself. Plus, I guess you loose the weight, flexibility and size benefits of e-ink, which is a pretty big thing for tablets I would have thought.

    @ddhboy: Doubt it. The data has accessible to the public in various forms for a while now, so presumably it's not all that sensitive.

    @triplecheeseburger: It seems like a great tech, given which I wish someone with some manufacturing muscle would just buy them out. These should be in much more ubiquitous by now.

    @MrGOH: "And how does my not being a fan of 3D equate to everyone dismissing it?"

    @MrGOH: "if this were an article about bloom or whatever"

    @MrGOH: "Actually, yes; graphics are nice and all but I like gameplay"

    @MrGOH: "Optical illusions that add little to gameplay are."

    Sounds interesting, but why have they not released a video?

    @Dragoonslayer12: You don't need to see proof to know it's there. The spec sheet is laid bare for all to see :)

    @MrGOH: Yup, I can't stand having two eyes. I poke myself in one each morning out of pure rage against the gimmikery of it ;)