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    Somewhere, a palm is hitting a face to the accompaniment of "So that's where it was!".

    @Finalw0rd: Why would you be fucked? Unless the game mechanics specifically make use of depth (but I would imagine that would be hard on a small screen). In any case, you'd still be able to see a non-stereoscopic image.

    "We need a new way to refer to gaming on a 3D screen"

    This is news? I would have thought the vast majority of giz readers would have been familiar with proxies.

    "I mean, take a look at the current technology that allows 3D viewing without glasses. It's expensive."

    Ah, executives. Sounds like this one just learned fractions. Next week: quaters!

    @Jakelshark: Probably her dads game, I doubt a three year old would be capable of playing a gun game.

    @pjcard: Oh and I read somewhere (giz?) that there are TV's slated to come out this year with a gesture based UI, which is sort of what I was hoping Sony would do with the PS3. And seems very likely to be part of Microsoft's plans :)

    @The Maginomicon: Well d-pad or buttons, there's at least potential for controlling movement there. Good point about general object tracking though, I hope Sony aren't putting all their eggs in the motion controller basket (I'd imagined they might include some level of support for gesturing without the wands, but now

    @The Maginomicon: "The Sony Motion Controller is actually worse off because it only has an RGB camera, and thus cannot determine the player's location in 3D space except through software image-processing."

    @The Maginomicon: The same camera degrees-of-freedom problem that plagues Project Natal also applies to the "Sony Motion Controller".