I love this.
Philly: Burning bridges since 1776.
That’s not simply a human being in the scale illustration - it’s some sort of Bond Girl. Probably related to the European Pussialicus Galorites.
I like everything about this.
No, I know. Nor is it anything unusual for NH, VT, or ME.
Spot on. I’d also suggest:
Yeah...hmm...there’s some high strangeness going on with this story. It feels like there’s a whole lot not being said. I mean...24 years old? With a highly desirable $85K electric truck? Two and half feet of snow in the woods of “Up-State” New York?
In 2018 Arkansas’ maternal mortality rate was 33 deaths in every 100,000 women. That was roughly double the national average that year. According to the US Census Bureau 20% of children in Arkansas were living in poverty in 2020. And in 2022 the state had a preterm birth rate of 12%, which is more than double the…
This HAS to be a joke. Right?
The only way I would find this silly old law acceptable is this:
“Hey, stupid: check your points and rotor more often.
Right and proper? Uh huh.
Smith&Sniff voice: “Ffffohds”
Oh my god, yes on the Hartford Connecticut interchange. And, really, anything 84/91 related can be lumped in there. I blame left-hand exits. CT and RI and their stupid freakin’ left-hand exits.