Yeah, I dig the new one, too.
Yeah, I dig the new one, too.
Looks like a GTA-V mashup. Perhaps a Pegassi.
Both the ad and the car scream:
Fixed it for you.
Maybe not even that much.
Physically and aesthetically this thing looks amazing. Especially for being neglected for 20 years. Even the engine bay looks pretty genuinely clean. (not just a photo shoot spit-&-polish) It certainly wasn’t stored in a leaky garage somewhere in Maine. That may be pretty auspicious in terms of mechanical surprises.
F1 goes through these periods where things get....fucking stupid. This latest one being caused by it’s headlong dive into pandering to reality tv and social media.
What’s the over/under on how long it takes before there’s an accidental beheading?
This goes beyond “First World Problems”.
Yup, that is thing.
Not this year, no. There are a few that seem worse to me this year. Even at his worst Hamilton whined less than Alonso or Vettel at their whiniest. Even Tsunoda seems to complain a lot.
Oh, I know he complains...but 90% of the time it’s about his own tires or something more along the lines of an excuse. Max, and many others for that matter, complain more about other drivers or perceived on-track injustices. He’s up there with younger Vettel...or Waaah Pablo.
Ham was slower: Irrelevant. He was in position to own the corner.
File this one under “D” for “D’fuq?”
Red Bull needs to stop the bitching and shut the fuck already. Seriously.
Holy hell...that thing looks mean and angry.
Climbing ropes, harnesses, and hardware.
160, tho? Wwwwwhataryudoin?
This particular shipping company’s “Head of Logistics” is someone named...let me see here...ah yes, it’s a Mr. Leroy Jenkins.
Anyone else having trouble imagining how the car reversed into the pool...when the wrecked fence is behind the car?