Well, it starts at 35... an e series starts at 28 so not that huge of a gap.
Well, it starts at 35... an e series starts at 28 so not that huge of a gap.
Yup... glorious, isn't it?
You've never heard of someone being ejected from a car?
Looked it up, August 22 is the start date.
Modifications voiding your warranty are with manufacturers across the board. I'm sure if you put a three inch lift on a Raptor you'd void the warranty too.
Like I've been saying since day 4 or 5:
While awesome, what are the stats on them? Are they to group B power to weight ratio levels?
Don't edit it out, let it flow when you feel it.
They usually start it in the late summer and run straight through the winter picking up the new episodes shortly after they come out.
I should probably know that being that I've lived within 10 miles of the river my entire life.
Philavania, the five counties that makeup the greater Philadelphia area, parts of South Jersey and Deleware.
My brother almost bought a car from a vdub_nut near Lebanon. You wouldn't happen to have had a blue VR6 MK3 (maybe mk4) GTI that was supercharged would you?
Yes. I was saying that 80 is speeding.
I worked for a small rental company for a while until some events that I divulged in oppo. It is just as bad on the other side of the counter. Did you know that about 33% of renters don't think a drivers license is necessary for renting a car?
It seems like Penndot sucks outside of Philivania. inside it though, most of the roads are glorious, save for the city itself. You should take your wife on the River Road run though.
80 MPH is considered high speed by US speed limits, sadly.
PA cops love speeders though. Can you think of any other possible reason that its mandated for them to have their headlights on if they're using radar? During the day they might get you, but most of the time they don't bother after its dark out. Plus, there are plenty of fun twisties through the gentle hills of SE PA.
Its like a small christmas ham in a vacuum pack of denim.
Did the doctors give you anything good?