Most people don’t understand the pure, unadulterated self loathing that goes along with that statement either.
Most people don’t understand the pure, unadulterated self loathing that goes along with that statement either.
Once you go ringspun you never go back. Hanes nano is where it’s at.
In the Philly area a Stuffalo is a cheesesteak smashed together with buffalo chicken cheesesteak. It's pretty good.
Philly actually did their stadiums pretty well in this regard. 3 stadiums all alongside each other a couple miles from downtown. There are three main roads surrounding the area so no matter where you're headed you can get in the right direction pretty quickly. The population density is about the same as Boston and the…
I don't know, the Tom Pryce accident was pretty horrifyingly instant.
Pukemon was from Jersey.
The contrast really is quite beautiful. The site it came from must have quite exquisite reviewers.
Someone here that actually has money should pay it for him... You know, for old times sake.
I'm sure you'll find it somewhere in this library of non-issues:
Huh, well then... there's that.
... When did you move to DC?
He wasn't fighting chickens. You should look up sword fighting on []
Good one. Like ray would give a shot about people's jobs.
Today in conspiracy theory logic...
All because Louganis finally got hurt for not keeping his head up.
I would like to think that things may have worked out differently if Autoblog didn't have to respond to the whole "HEY, LOOK AT AUTOBLOG! THEY'RE FULL OF CROOKS AND LIARS!" thing. Maybe they could have let it breath for more than 30 minutes in creating a response.
Damn, kind of wish that was the current viewpoint. Would make certain people look a lot less assholeish. I don't know, 30 minutes seems like a drop in the bucket when it's someones livelihood that you're helping get rid of. People make mistakes, people are short sighted. It would make for a terrible planet if everyone…
The Hooniverse and [] is pretty cool too. Too bad Wert got rid of TAI.
" long as the content producers continue regurgitating press releases and summarazing other people's stories."