Yeah, the Brazil GP was a BLAST that Sunday...
Soooo.... a Durango with a bed...
I see ford consulted the fabricator when they were figuring out the flex's tailgate design.
Impossible to answer question, but I'll go with anything that is a turbo and has the wonderful word "homologation" as its main adjective.
Please take note of which comment I promoted.
A dogleg box makes up for no less than 13.333 cylinders.
Does your E-430 have a dogleg box?
Considering I was ready to sell my car, kidney or soul to buy this on Saturday I think I have to say NP...
I can't believe this is Jalopnik and there are only two of us who picked it.
I'm 21 soooo.... no I have no memory of an F1 season with cajones.
It would be spectacular if they ran it in my neck of the woods through some smooth roads through pretty well forested areas. The only problem would be drivers stopping for roast pork every 30 minutes.
I just get easy access to the creatures across the Delaware.
180 down broad on to pattison would be beautiful.
This guy was elected a couple months ago... I don't think he had time to cook anything yet.
They're cutting funding to everything to add to their "rainy day fund".
Man, those state deficits are tough.
Most people don't have the budget to replace their engine every 500 miles.