ambiguously unfunny pj134

Yeah, I mean they're at positively Bricklin numbers with how many roadsters they sold so far.

CAWKS is available for the blackhawks plate.

A vagiwhosiwhatsit?

When they changed it to the 202 parkway it pissed me off... Y U NO BYPASS!?

Also, the police don't hassle you too much and laws restrict their sneakiness.

Who knew that Monty Python crossed all language borders.

I didn't see the word Brougham anywhere so no dice for me.

You spelled it wrong. The native dialect from that region would indicate the spelling as Scraaahhtowhn

Temple University Police (PA's third largest) rolls hard.

The only thing I can think of that would be identifiable in that picture are the wheels, which appear to be aftermarket unless its a make I've not heard of or a special edition logo.


We meet again, 0C1-078... Your still my desktop from the last time.

Dammit, I should have seen the "fan" card coming.

I'm 1/8th sympathy and the rest is cruelty. The sympathy is just there to make sure I never forget.

Fantastic work. I got you a present I think you're familiar with.

Fuck it, I'd drive it.

I started reading this article without looking at who wrote it, got to this line, "Because I could totally hang out all day, drink a beer, contemplate my navel, and do this" and thought "Sam!"

Lyrics to Hooker With a Penis.