ambiguously unfunny pj134

A guy who after years of self abuse and self destruction through drug abuse that is now clean and performing better then previously is a bad allusion? Makes sense to me.


The Cherokee is dead, long live the Cherokee.

12 thousand? 12 thousand!?! There are 01 Cherokees STILL going for about that.

@pj134: astounding... dammit

@BigHarv: Twitter post? Please. This is an astound 159 characters, not 140.

... My grandmother would have been an olympic swimmer for Poland in 1940 if not for the whole World War II thing...

... its front looks like an e90.

@TheTick247: I'll pass, I'm waiting for the Polar Bear souffle.

@OchentaYcinco: Hi guys, if you like the Backstreet Boys type 666 cause they rock!

@BrtStlnd: Especially if there isn't a turbo and more than 2 seats.

@Brando: It was hard on 413.