ambiguously unfunny pj134

@Brando: ... I knew we were getting dicked over last night, but dammit.

They're talking to him on Preston and Steve right now... waiting for him to see the picture.

... All they have to do is turn some lights on and pull off the bubble and they have a sick industrial museum.

@egoods: I don't consider West Chester main line, but I'm from Doylestown so I'm far from an authority on what's considered what.

@POLAЯ: Hopefully we live to see the day his heroin filled lifeless 38 year old body is dragg... Err "carried" by a classic ambulance.

That is a terrible "rendering".

... I'd hit it...

@lilwillie: Aye, its a sad day for jalops.

512TR or nothing.

I would like that power train and aero package with this body and the turbo below either headlight or a twin turbo v6/8 or l6 with turbos under each headlight.

See, Ben Ali told his civil workers to "get that horse shit out of my my driveway" and they thought he was talking figuratively about the 599 GTB and its bloated curb weight taking away from the purity of its existence as a super car instead of the literal horse shit that had been thrown at his house.