@gman1023: Maybe its a conspiracy.
@gman1023: Maybe its a conspiracy.
@cesariojpn: Who has EXTRA litium ion BATTERIES!?
@ShantJ: Well clearly I only know how your last name ends and the first letter of it. Now quiet down whippersnapper or you'll have to be taught.
@FodderTheSane: I'm not too into the whole freaking out thing, I prefer the laughing at people freaking out.
@FodderTheSane: Its an inconvenience that can be solved with a nap.
@pauljones: If you even threaten that one it will send anyone who knows about it into a downward spiral of paranoia. They'll be checking their spare tire several times a week. Let alone if you tell them you got it inside their dash. Its a detente in its own way.
@OMGItsWeasel: Yeah, maybe that Dr Dre album will drop too. And that Rage Against the Machine one and that Tool one and that (goes on for 2 hours)
@FodderTheSane: But what do you do after your cell phone and laptop and gamestation portable all die? What then, HUH? Your acting like a plane of 500 people can communicate in some way without technology... Thats ABSURD!
@OMGItsWeasel: I thought there was something on its way... Its supposed to come out late 2010!
@pauljones: Supplies:
@ShantJ: Don't all Armenian names end in -ian? Something I heard from an Armenian kid I went to school with.
@pauljones: If you despise someone.... Chicken bomb.
@ShantJ: Buy an old F250 just to screw with her, little ShantJian.
@Fast_Nel: Delete everything after and including /gallery/ in the URL.
Think this is his son?
@dmckoltrane- Merry Christmas and happy holidays!: I'd appreciate it were I alive.
@dmckoltrane- Merry Christmas and happy holidays!: I would answer your rhetorical question, but unfortunately I am dead from an anuerysm I sustained while viewing a particularly hideous Wrangler.
@Sleestaks: Damn straight, it also lowers the cars bottom line which is something Hyundai is a fan of.
@gman1023: I did the same, theres a comment some where above to that effect.
@Sleestaks: Who said it won't have a manual? A dual clutch in a sub 20k car is a big selling point for some though.