ambiguously unfunny pj134

@nick2ny: Which is a part of EUROPE!

@adeft: Wow. That's the power of a Riviera.

@gman1023: Well, if you're filthy rich, tons of money...

@saabreddy: Kind of funny that that picture is from Europe...

I just ask that my passengers act in a manner that they find appropriate thinking that the driver is a little unhinged and that he always has at least one knife within arm's reach at all times.

@GV_Goat: With that jacket/robe/nighty, I don't doubt he is the greatest asshat the world has ever seen!

@GV_Goat: I disagree, he probably parks his fixie across 4 handicapped parking spots when the lot is completely full... so... carry the one... I'm figuring right around %32000 asshat.

... rumbleseat@wsj.com.

Wow, you guys actually found me someone to dislike more than Elon Musk.

@AMGWTFBBQ: No worries. My bad for going full asshole.

Well, I won't give you a girl, just the best back end I've ever seen.

@BroncoMech: I'm hearing it has a Vtec style powerband though.

@GV_Goat: Ok, so basically our equation works out to be this.

@AMGWTFBBQ: Alright, let me help you out with the joke. See, the long standing class description between New Money and Old Money is that New Money doesn't have the finesse with money that Old Money has. Therefore, it would be highly unlikely that Old Money would even drive a Ferrari, because they don't really like to

@Scandinavian Flick: I would park it anywhere. As I've been saying, if I had money to actually afford a Ferrari, which to me means it costing under half of my yearly salary, I would treat it like a run of the mill DD.

@luisthebeast: Ferrari money is filthy rich tons of money. Plus if you're a collector you're not taking it out of the garage/museum