@Scandinavian Flick: If I had a Ferrari and true Ferrari money, I would drive it till the wheels fell off. I'm not one to baby something.
@Scandinavian Flick: If I had a Ferrari and true Ferrari money, I would drive it till the wheels fell off. I'm not one to baby something.
@luisthebeast: Sell it, buy a new one.
@GV_Goat: I disagree, I find that [%Asshat] is inversely proportional to [%ParkingLotWalked]
@luisthebeast: Seconded, if you're going to take up two spots, do it at the end of the lot, as far away from everyone else as possible, and not looking like a prick. Plus, being able to afford a Ferrari but worrying about the paint is nouveau riche.
@Ray Wert: I guess, it's just hard for me to get riled up about something I never really cared for. While the on the whole crossovers are lack luster, technically a Cherokee was a crossover, and they were boss offroad. I guess the classification doesn't really alter my perception. If it's beige, it's beige, if it's…
The previous generation was just a crossover in drag anyway. Now it just went for the full sex change.
@Tanshanomi: Other countries can burn in hell.
I have to give Jeep a pat on the back. I'm glad the Cherokee died when the solid front axel died. I dream that one day they'll bring both back together. I hope they never make me take that back.
Alright, just drop the price on the X by 3 grand to make up for the chrome profits on this, which I'm assuming is the Sahara.
Not that I don't think this thing is going to suck off road, I do, but to believe that BOF is a necessity for offroading is bullshit. Sure, a body lift may make snugging bigger tires under your truck easier, but so can some work with a sawzall. I just prey that jeep will throw a solid up front on the Liberties…
@IN THE FACE!: But it's a civic, so the head gasket was already half way out the door when it left the factory so loss of coolant probably does equal kill.
@IN THE FACE!: Jamming a screwdriver through a radiator is hardly skilled.
@IN THE FACE!: I can. With a screwdriver or a big hammer.
@Dirt Pirate: Top gear would like to disagree.
Does he have candy?
@PotbellyJoe - As seen on I-287: Her puns bearly affect me.
@skinnybird: Racist, too.
@joeisuzu: I'm going to say you were lucky you didn't have that boat's cast iron engine on your foot.
@joeisuzu: Well, one was me being 17 and saying "No balls", the other was me guiding a buddy at rausch creek and him taking me pointing in one direction as "quickly zag in the opposite, directly onto my foot."
@robot-shmobot: She has feet?