It is funny, just to be clear - there were some famous artists and even composers that were totally deaf. Most notably van Beethoven and Smetana. So this does not have to raise flags per se, but yeah, Taylor looks more like Rambo or Alan “Dutch” Schaefer ;)
Welcome to... 2004 or when BMW started to use this.
My point exactly.
It is an terrible idea that absolutely does NOT work when you want to get rid of insect in the summer. I currently have on an M3 and it is totally useless. I hate it.
I don’t see much hate, that is much of an overstatment. It is just slow and boring BS, so it has to do better to be loved. That’s all. Keep working, stop bullshitting.
Um, no. I have bought Macan GTS for my wife and drive it from time to time. It is surely the best SUV for active drivers on the market, BUT it really does not feel any similar to agile hatchback or sedan. Not by a long shot. It is still to high, heavy, ineffiect and even slow at the end of the day. I feel very…
Because Italy ;-) You would get it if you know Europe and Italy better...
This is ridiculous, you have apparenty never driven any. ID.3 is more SUV-ish hatchback with high sitting position and very low quality interior. The Golf 8 is not a quality king either, but it is still much better car. And still car, not a half-baked SUV. These cars are definitely not subsitutes...
Italians are Italians. Ferrari was winning with Todt, Brawn and Schumacher for a reason...
It was even worse, they went medium-medium-hard-soft ;-) OK, not funny, but yeah, this did not make sense at all. Charles switched to the hards afters 18 laps (!) on mediums, Lewis and Max were 34 laps on them. He could very easily go medium-medium-soft and win. What a crappy strategy.
No, you must act, Toto. Rise the car or redesign it completely. It is mainly yout problem, nothing so general...
He simple bet too much on EVs, that’s the main reason. Any report ignoring this is ignoring reality. It is not feasible anytime soon for maistream brands and it is becoming more and more apparent.
What a joke...
Yeah, I loved old Hockenheimring, I had the honor to drive there before it was literally dismantled. Amazing old-school track, the modern stadium version is a joe next to it. However, Monza is still very close to what HHR used to be...
Well, this. And even the purely physical aspect is not that simple. It will sound macho, but you actually have to be able to “use it” to have any good feeling about it. What is not automatic as it may seem when two people are married. More when a woman is pregnant or mother for weeks or months.
Surely totally ethical, no doubts. What’s wrong with helping a private company to succeed and then let it pay your presidential campaing? That’s so ethical it should be noted it ethical dictionary as the most ethic of ethic things. That’s like walking ethics or whathever.
Come on guys, everyone should get a second chance. It may not work so in the US, but here in Europe you usually get maximum prison time up to 15 years even if you kill someone deliberately. And now you want to “sentence” some teenager for life for one indiscretion? That’s silly IMO. Punishment? Yes. But definitely not…
Interesting race altogether, but mainly thanks to the RB’s technial problems. Verstappen would probably have won this easilly not having the puncture and subsequent aero problem... Still good for him as Leclerc was only 3 places ahead, Perez did not win, Hamilton “only” third...
Putin aside, he’s right in the cas of Zelensky. He did absolutely nothing to prevent the conflict and what he’s doing now ist just a bad comedy. And I say this as someone with close relatives from Ukrajine, Lvov to be exact. So not the “Russian” part of the country.