
Bringining this out of the grays, because this article needed to reference The Road to Wellville. 

So I’m just going to assume here forward that every time there’s a rate increase, it means they got robbed.

For those who don’t want to go through over 40 pages of slideshow, here’s the full list:

Correction. American companies are not willing to pay people enough to afford American-made goods, nor are they willing to accept the smaller profit margins. We bought American for a few centuries before everyone started outsourcing to increase profits.

Uh... that latter part is the “normal” thanks... :p

To answer the quoted question: me. Never heard of Walker Hayes or that song. And yeah, I don’t follow country music. 

There is strong ALF DNA with Roger (Before they decided he can just wear disguises and go wherever he wants.)

I caught him either on comedy central or hbo late one night in the early aughts


Guarantee you if you ask any of the writers what they think about ad trackers, none of them will endorse the concept. In fact, I’d venture to say that they’re rather displeased that Gizmodo uses ad trackers, but since they have no say in the matter (that would rest on G/O Media management) all they can do is point out

As the article clearly noted?

Fuckin’ read the article, you dolt.

haha fuck you. You go try it. No worries. 

Hulu also announced the show, and thus the lack of DiMaggio, before he ever breathed a WORD about this.

Because he’s one of the most popular animated characters ever created, with one of the most iconic voices ever, and was not only crucial but probably the face of the show for over a decade?

It just seems ludicrous to me. A different voice actor would negate the entire purpose - you’re not doing this to get new fans,

Okay then go away, no one asked for your help.

He has more of a right to weigh in on issues affecting voice actors than literally anyone in these comments

If the rest of the cast felt that way, they wouldn’t have agreed to come back.”

Are we seriously going to move forward on this without the original Bender? That’s the worst fucking idea in a long, long while.

Can’t they just get whoever played Flexo to voice Bender?