
Shout-out Mr. Papagiorgio

I mean it’s either him or Anthony Michael Hall, right? Coincidentally those are my favorite vacation movies.

It’s certainly underrated.  Ethan Embry might be my favorite Rusty.

Thing is, there are plenty of comedians who can play a smarmy asshole without actually being one.

Learn some basic manners and how to calm down, you fucking FREAK.

Holy shit, you are an asshole. What the fuck. Nothing in my comment required that attitude. You responded like a fuckin crackhead. JFC

Those ScarJo-Jost ads actively make me want to not have an Alexa. Was that the goal?

Nobody is claiming inflation doesn’t exist, but you were the one who brought up inflation in regards to Netflix’s price increasing.

I just want smaller phones.

I could have used more warning!

In an article about position of hand relative to phone why no actual pictures of the positions discussed? Same goes for sex positions BTW.

Are these for people who got sex ed in 1974? Seriously I was in school in the 80s-90s and i’m not sure we got the “fear mongering” version that seems to be outlined here.

An audiobook of a novelisation of a movie adaptation of a video game

In many parts of the country, yes. 

Across. I hate talking to someone next to me.

Stop sitting side-by-side. I, at the next table, sitting across from my spouse, like a normal person, do not want to have to see both of you on either side of her head, staring directly at me every time you get bored or are chewing.

With your thorough research, you’ve certainly won at the battle of laws here. You may be correct by the book but it doesn’t make you an less intolerable on the roadways. I guess we can agree to disagree.

In many states, including mine, the troopers will pull people over for sitting in the left lane even if they are doing the speed limit. The left lane is for passing. That’s the law. If you’re sitting in the left lane and there’s a long line of traffic behind it’s more of a safety concern than a bunch of drivers doing

Go find me an actual economist who can show how inflation has affected Netflix's bottom line. I'll wait.

When you’ve reached market saturation, but your shareholders demand infinite growth.