
Where she stumbled was using this particular example. The Germans sure as hell viewed Jews as a race, and acted upon it. This put Jews in a position where, if they didn’t already, had to view themselves similarly. This is the classic example of someone not part of a culture telling that culture how they should think

I feel like even Whoopi doesn’t know what point she was trying to make in the first place. Best to just take a chill pill for a bit, collect her thoughts and get back on the horse and try again.

The only important difference: tonic contains sugar, and calories. About the same level as a Coke. 

Romani people would probably be surprised to find out that they qualify as Aryan according to Nazi doctrine.

The only thing I get is their Pan Pizza. Holy bleep its good.

He didn’t want to make money off the players who played the game. He never said he wouldn’t sell it.

Listen, it’s possible that somebody’s opinion on something changes once they’re offered $1m+ to change it.

All fair play to him, but I find it amazing how the world seemingly went mad for what is essentially just the password-cracking game from latter Fallout games.

science would usually just be parroting CNN’s latest stance

People who do shit like that just make me laugh.  “Where exactly do you think you’re going?  How much time did you just save??”

gee, its almost like a new variant’s emergence  might change things. But i guess that is too complicated for Rogan’s audience.

“he’s having people on with differing views which is what you’re supposed to do in a normal society.”

No, that’s bullshit. The man is very wrong here. Nobody ever said that getting vaccinated was 100% protection against COVID and the initial studies did not show that, they showed that it reduced the risk of getting hospitalized or dying. The initial analysis only looked at infections in a cursory way anyway.

Thats implying science and understanding isn't evolving.  Also Omikron wasn't around six months ago, he's trying to act smart while actually being dumb. 

Rogan’s right, you should always yell “FIRE” in a crowded public space because it might actually end up on fire in the future. Fucking idiot.

I don’t think anybody ever claimed that getting vaccinated would mean you couldn’t catch or spread COVID, just that it reduced the likelihood dramatically, which is still true. I don’t think any experts have ever said straight up that cloth masks don’t work, just that they’re not as effective as N95's, which is still

Kano was amazing! And the only actor who seemed to understand what the movie should have been like. 

Frank Langella may not even need makeup to be Skeletor these days. Get that guy back, he was incredible in the role!

Thank you. This let the scales fall off my eyes.

Here’s the article I read, which someone had linked on a Jezebel article, and which paints a much more sordid picture than what you describe: