
In terms of who this is for, several of my friends who are vegetarian for ethical reasons are fine with eating meatless products cooked on/in the same surface as meat. Unless you’re super strict about it (and yes, many vegetarians/vegans are) it’s not an issue. And, anecdotally, these folks are super stoked to eat KFC

Despite all the rumors, I was glad I didn’t “know” definitively that the other SM actors were showing up and so it was as surprising and delightful as possible, given the realities of how things work now.  So, yeah.  Thanks, Andrew, for fighting the good fight.

Warm take: everything is terrible, and lying to keep fun plot details sorta-kinda secret is ok actually.

I hope he didn’t compound his misery by watching it too.

Given that I don’t think you can get a Taco Bell taco for $1, I’d be wary of a $1 slice of pizza big enough to fold.

And yet we languish here in 2022, still yet to see a ‘Lemmings’ adaptation.

So will season one be about fighting mole rats and rad roaches, with mutants and raiders showing up in season two? Do we know if the main character is a stealth build or tank? I hope it’s the former, because I’d love a show where the hero spends the entire show crouching and stealing syringes of Jet that they hoard

“But everybody else’s eggs are laid by hormone-free chickens.
“No, everybody else’s eggs are high in cholesterol. Your eggs are laid by Hormone-Free chickens.”

The baby does survive. We see Deborah write up a birth cert for her under the name Alexandra. It’s Alex.

I don’t know what they do in Texas, but around here the police don’t give out the address of a crime scene. At most, they might identify the block, but certainly not the specific street number.

Is it normal for police departments to blast the address like that?  In a tweet? 

No shit, they aren’t calling it chicken. ‘Beyond’ is a word too.

This site can only cover so many subjects. If they took the time to write Cobra Kai recaps, we might miss out on articles about Al from Home Improvement not selling NFTs.

You realize that part of the reason we HAVE Omicron (and Delta and all the other variants before it) is because we allowed it to spread and mutate virtually unchecked? It’s easy to say “let the unvaccinated spread it to each other, the idiots” but when their spread causes it to mutate to a point where it’s MORE deadly

I could be wrong, but I don’t believe there’s anything magic about Omicron that has changed how cloth masks work or don’t work. Cloth masks were never intended to protect the wearer; they were intended to prevent someone who might be infectious but pre-symptomatic from infecting others, by reducing the amount and

Ugh. This may be news because people are saying it again, but it’s not new, and it entirely disregards the primary goal of a vaccinated person wearing a mask, which is to mute the momentum of the droplets (which the cloth is just fine with) exiting when I exhale, sneeze, or cough. I get that the cloth masks don’t do

You are aware that there are multiple religions that prohibit shaving, yes? There are also methods to masking up securely with your beard intact (e.g. Singh Thatta Technique).

Blue cheese? You’re broken. 

They don’t? What do they fry the chalupa shells in? Or the shell from the crispy cantina melt taco? I LOVED that; wish they’d bring it back.