
Nah, I don’t get/like the “pay it forward” chain, either. I get the concept behind the first person wanting to do something nice for the person behind them, but in asking people to keep it one really benefits. Everyone just shifts their payment to the person behind them. In the end, there’s still only one

They’d have to go back in time and hire Nic Cage in his Vampire’s Kiss heyday to do this justice.


Pour one out for the Venture Bros.

it got so many uses in photography, I really would love to have my lenses/adapters internals painted with that to avoid internal reflections

Quite simple: You just accept that some people will be offended no matter what you do, so you try to be respectful and clear by your own standards.

No the only way to curb it is government regulation. Expecting the market to self regulate in a way that’s beneficial to consumers is a fool’s game. Which is why it’s baffling that the majority of Americans are so vehemently against government regulation (one of the reasons why a clown like Trump got into office) but

Slideshows: bad.

Also worth noting- these slideshows are absolutely garbage.

It’s not a typo. The air passes through the cold AC coil first, causing moisture in the air to condensate on the coil and drip out (which is why you see puddles under cars when the AC is running). This is similar to when you have a cold beverage glass or can on a humid day, and it gets wet on the outside with

What if I ask the following question: Who won the 1976 gold medal in men’s decathlon?

No, it’s not.

It’s better that a trans person portray trans people, because they are a minority and under-represented. A trans actor portraying a cis person does not cause under-representation.

I agree. Put a big chunk of it away for when she loses her job due to Covid shutdown. Spend some on one really nice thing for each kid. Get them a game system to share. Buy them bikes. Something like that, but save at least 50% of that windfall, I’d try to save 75%.

That’d put the whole waitstaff out of work. Don’t believe everything on the internet.

thats why everythings a crisis in this country. student loan crisis, housing crisis, delinquent car loan crisis. because stupid ass people spend money they shouldnt.  she should teach her kids the real meaning of christmas.  its not about presents its supposed to be about family.  but if youre a materialistic weasel


in typical american fashion she wanted to blow the windfall and be left with nothing.  she shouldve wanted to put it away.   

I have no idea what’s going on here. The restaurant claims the tip wouldn’t go through cause the credit card company flagged it as fraud (not surprising). They tried to get the guy to come back and pay the tip a different way and he wouldn’t. Supposedly the customer tried to get the credit card company to authorize it

This is dumb and I thank you for it.

I laugh so hard I miss the start of the next sketch at least once per show.