
I miss incompetent Cersei from the books. Bitch had no idea what she’s doing, but God bless her she keeps trying. Thinks she was Machiavelli, turns out she doesn’t even know how basic economics works.

Sansa and The Hound gave me pause for a minute there...

Did they even factor in how many of these suicides left behind series of passive-aggressive cassette tapes?

God I hate comments like this. He disliked the comment and listed a valid reason why. On a TV blog. And you’re all, “I’m bothered by this LOLZ.” I guess man.

Everything you said is accurate, the quality really fell off a cliff when they passed the books. 

God I hate comments like this. He disliked the episode and listed a bunch of valid reasons why. On a TV blog. And you’re all, “It’s just a show dude calm down LOLZ.” I guess man. 

A-goddamn-men. The whole “calm down, it’s only a movie/show” response is so puerile. Oh, I didn’t realize that the Comments section is only for people who have no passion for or investment in what they’ve spent years watching! Thank you, troll, for opening my eyes!

How could you not also mention Dany LANDING HER DRAGON ON TOP OF A HUGE PILE OF WIGHTS for no apparent reason? While I agree with the OP that there was some benefit to show the confusion of war and how people had no idea what they were doing, there were so many incredibly stupid mistakes made. And as you point out,

I thought that the battle was too long, honestly. About 25 minutes into the episode I said to my wife ‘I hope its not like, 50 minutes of this. I get the idea. Lets move the plot along.’

God what a horrible episode. For me, it ruins the entire series and makes me question whether I should even finish it (I know I fucking will). What a fucking shame, one of the best TV shows ever made has become...this. I’m too fucking tired and pissed off to really give a full breakdown, but just off the top of my

Yes. Let’s focus on the SINGLE wrong call of the entire playoff series. Or if you insist on focusing on this call, let’s focus on the game 2 goalie interference call that took a goal away and the game for the sharks. So you can have your 2 minute cross checking minor penalty, and I’ll say the sharks won in 6. Deal?

the fact that Infinity War is the modern day Empire Strikes Back”

Infinity War isn’t even a modern-day Attack of the Clones.

*throws up hands in despair*

I agree with everything you said, except for all of it and also your face is dumb.

Worn underwear isn’t clean though, my man.

The vein of “admitting to obviously insane behavior and defending it as normal” comment is always perfection.  The funbag results in the highest rate of these comments.  And sometimes, it turns out we learn something new.  Like that 20% of you wipe your ass standing up and should be fired into the sun.

Come on, dude. That’s gross. You know it’s gross. Your girlfriend knows it’s gross. Don’t “but actually” this. I’m telling you, the last thing on earth you want is your girlfriend to see you in your drawers and think, on any level, “ew, gross!” You can’t talk someone out of a visceral reaction.


She’s right. It’s disgusting. Regardless of whether or not you “soil” your undergarments (seriously?) or they smell bad, you still have bacteria and fecal matter in your underwear.