
Does this also end with me going ‘...................yeah but he probably did it.’

I mean, if Jackson didn’t abuse him, he’s just telling the truth as he experienced it. I don’t think Feldman is lying. I also don’t think that the two guys from the documentary are lying. Both can be true. Feldman even said that he’s not saying the accusers are lying. 

Feldman has been screaming about pedofiles in Hollywood long before it was cool, and we dismissed him as Crazy ol Corey trying to stay relevant. Now, he’s speaking up in defense of Michael Jackson, arguably the one person we all thought he was talking about when he said Pedofile, and still people don’t listen. 

I like Macaulay Culkin.
He’s very obviously trying super hard to get back into the public eye these last twelve months and I, for one, welcome him with open arms.

Nope. I think racism has been solved. Thanks!

This Don DiMello fellow sure seems interested in protecting criminals. Maybe he’s got something to hide?

I don’t see how stripping English of its unique variety and flavor is beautification.

If you’re misusing them, sure, but that’s not the thrust of this article. The complaint is that they’re “complicated” (complicated > multisyllabic, I guess).

The killing half of technologically advanced life would’ve made at least a little bit of sense. It’s still a short sighted stop gap measure but at least it would arguably delay resource consumption. When Feige said it in an interview that it was “all life” it then made really zero sense. Removing half of the largest

Yes; this is what I was thinking of. Thanks.

I’m sure this is going to make me “that guy,”  but walking up and ordering at the counter is exactly what you do at a fast food joint and i don’t tip there and i’m not tipping you either, despite your tip jar.   i’m sure it’s my age, since i remember a time before anyone had the nerve to put out a tip jar for this

I despise Trump as much as the next blue-blooded socialist liberal snowflake, but if you want something to fail just because a politician you hate is in favor of it then you’re a fucking idiot and should be thrown into a gorge, gully, canyon, crevasse, or abyss, depending on locale.

What does the 0 in 2-0 represent in this?

Sometimes actors pretend to be things they’re not. It’s called acting.

My family is way underdressed for this restaurant—should we leave?”

Yeah, over-tipping is always a nice thing to do, but over-tipping because you’re underdressed seems odd. 

When I was in my early 20's (long time ago) and newly married. For our 1st year anniversary, my then husband made reservations at Calhoun’s, a fancy steak place in Knoxville, Tn. I was working in quality control at a factory at that time, and was literally wearing a flannel shirt and ripped jeans (it was the fashion

I refuse to believe this is a real question. Lunch, after normal lunch hours, at a place described as looking not too fancy, and this alleged person is worried about how they dressed? To the point of giving a 50% tip? Seriously, wtf. The servers don’t give a shit what you’re wearing. If you’re going to pay money,

Tipping 50% is weird. It’s like you’re both apologizing and trying prove to the waitstaff you’ll never see again you aren’t the low-class ruffians you appear to be. It probably has the opposite effect, too, and they think you’re either recent lottery winners or are on the run after knocking over a Wawa.

General Bethlehem, Give these people mail!