
That sounds awfully close to “if you didn’t like BOTW don’t bother give an opinion on TOTK”...

V for Vendetta...

I mean, it’s just my personal interpretation, and one that way well be far from what was actually intended. It is certainly more palatable my way though.

I viewed it as Mathilda is emotionally stunted, whereas Leon was intellectually stunted. Mathilda was a bright and clever girl, but went through trauma and didn’t know how to process her emotions. Leon was “simple” but understood that this was a little girl who needed to be protected and cared for, not used or abused.

I thought it was cringey, but I also thought that was the point. Apparently, I have Besson too much credit. I never really interpreted it as a “romance” per se. I thought maybe from Mathilda’s perspective it was, but she is an immature child. I always viewed Leon as caring for her and yes even loving her, but from a

Ben Stein used to do it all the time.

I don’t see why Greg moved down this episode. While it’s unclear whether he actually ingratiated himself with the Norwegians (while they could still be mocking him, it seemed genuine to me), he at the very least teed up Ebba for Kendall and Roman. He seems to be playing both sides pretty well.

Me reading the headline: Oh this will be a fun comment section...

Pizza Crunch is a Scottish pizza dish of a personal pizza folded over, battered, and then deep fried. Not Scottish and never had it myself, but I’ve heard of it.

Hard agree.

Exactly, none of the billionaires I know and hang out with talk like that.

Johnny’s absence in the first film was noticed by longtime fans, but director Simon McQuoid told Variety they opted not to include him because he’s such a big personality that he would have derailed the story and become the center of attention.

I forget where I saw it, but there was a blurb posted somewhere about some of the plotlines for the season and that was one of them. Another, iirc, was Mac having a long distance relationship.

Prediction for the finale: someone gets a watch as a gift (but not Greg, he has to buy his own fucking watch).

They’ll also be addressing the fact that Charlie mentions having a sister in season 1, but she is never mentioned or addressed ever again. Apparently, there’s an episode in which he deals with his sisters (twins).


On top of that, I’m pretty sure with was sliced bread inside the plastic. He didn’t even need to cut it, just open up the additional plastic seal.

If you’re interested in Timothy Chalamet, check out The King on Netflix.

Yeah, some black as coal humor would help offset the violence and how dark it is. I wouldn’t even classify Dead Man as a comedy, but it’s dark humor does help with its tone.