

If Allen is the old guy, he looked the same to me.

I only had one problem with this episode. Jessica would never buy a new car, they loose value as soon as you leave the lot!

It's even older than that. There's an episode of Father Knows Best where the family's gardener uses a picture of the father to woo a girl in a flower shop.

Gotta catch some rays, catch some Rasinetts!

Wow, that's so much worse than I even feared it would be.

On the way back from a trip to Nag's Head this summer, my husband and I stopped at an arcade called Flippers, which was like 75 percent pinball machines. It was huge and I too was surprised at the amount of newer pinball machines. My husband played the Walking Dead one, but I opted to play on a much older huge

Yes, yes, a million times yes.

Actually Apple Jack commercials were pretty good about telling you their product did not taste like apples.

It's a really beautiful area around there. I lived nearby until I was eight and still visit the area from time to time. Hope you have fun!

Can the Roomba have a cat riding on it?

I was pretty excited to see Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith after the trailer. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, um, thrice, boy I'm stupid.

The Dancing with the Tsars bit was the only thing that felt truly Muppety to me. Well, I guess Rizzo, too, as you said.

It was when I realized that Kanga and Roo in Winnie the Pooh put together were kangaroo, which is of course what they are. This has become shorthand in my family for such a facepalm moment. I also had to same Frasier moment as described above with my husband.

Mustafar, *sigh*, it's Mustafar- signed apparently bigger nerd.

Sorry, thought you were referring to that one.

Agreed, except the Office debuted in 2005. Also, I just read that was the year that they started talking about doing this muppet show, which makes a lot more sense.

I really shouldn't have clicked on that link.

I think I first saw that as a rerun in the middle of the night and I wish I hadn't. Also, I didn't know his name until now, but I still can't look at Digit for more than two seconds.

I fell in love with Star Wars during a dark period for merchandise, the early 90's. This level of stuff would have melted my face off back then.