
The ones that stand out are when I was watching American Dad and they started to play "The Majestic" (I had to have that song right away, but listen to it sparingly, so that it would not loose its magic) and Kurt Cobain singing "Where Did You Sleep Last Night" on Nirvana: Unplugged (ditto). The gasp Kurt takes and

I'm not the only one!

I understand the questions, I got married at 19 too. His mom asked him right in front of me, "Why are you getting married, it isn't like you got her pregnant?"

But this movie has one of my favorite lines ever, as delivered by Sean Bean so nonchalantly it's hilarious, "Bees are genetically programmed to recognize royalty."

That's a terrifying statement.

Is that more or less painful with your particular nose?

Saga was the encore at mine and it included a chorus line of stormtroopers and Darth Vader.

Have fun!

Second row, lucky! I was in the middle of the venue but I was on the end of the row so I have a great view even though I'm short.


That was the only thing I laughed at.

I definitely remember seeing him in Muppets from Space, though.

I squeed exactly at the same time as Fry when I first watched it.

People are idiots, but I still have enough faith in humanity that they will not support this. It is not why people like muppets.

This is what I feared the show would be and when it fails, we'll have to wait that much longer to see if they can ever make a good Muppet show again.

Actually, we grew up very technologically behind the times, so we had records, but did not have cable, so I only saw these shows when I went to my Grandma's house.

Ask William Shatner. His answer may be different than yours.

I still feel like if they lowered the price of concessions
, they would actually make more money because it would attract more people to buy them.

I love going to the theater, but my local Cinemark's ability to freshly pop stale popcorn right in front of me, astounds me.

As a lady, I would be quite impressed by a wall full of Nintendo cartridges.