
I loved to pretend to survive outside and cook my own food (aka dig up wild onions), so I was really into the first book. The funny thing is that now I'm grown, I prefer if other people make dinner and I just sit around reading.

Yep, it still exists, they celebrated an anniversary of it last year by giving out a free personal pan pizza to all former participants. I was very excited to get my pizza.

This is finally Christopher Walken's time to take the role!

I went to see Jaws in theaters this Wednesday, and it was making me think about this very thing. I don't think Jaws should be remade though and I wouldn't necessarily think the new movie would even be as good, I just want giant man-eating sharks on the big screen and not in tornadoes. The thing is Jaws, is really

He played the henchman of the henchman of Glover. I think in the credits it says Klaus, though I don't think they called him by name. I noticed him in the scene after the ski chase in which the bad guys follow him into the elevator. The intense stare was what caught my attention.

On a slightly related note, I just watched For Your Eyes Only this weekend and realized that both Julian Glover and Charles Dance were in it.

From my observation, they just feel each other up in the back of the bus.

1986- Uh, Alf, I guess.

What a creepy funeral that must have been to attend.

I was nine when we got Windows 95 and it was years before I knew that Weezer was a real band outside of the computer. I endlessly watched that video and the trailer for Rob Roy that was included because videos on the computer are cool!

I didn't like it as much as other muppet stuff, but he might have built it up too much. I'll have to watch it again.

For me it was the Mary Martin version of Peter Pan the musical. NBC completely crapped on that memory last year.

That reminds me of how I briefly made my dad dance to Xanadu at my wedding because of an old home video where I am very enthusiastically dancing to it.

I loved the Muppets, so when I met my future husband he was very surprised I hadn't seen Muppet Classic Theater, which he loved.

So what I gather from the top picture is that John is a dork, Paul is doing kabuki theater, Ringo is an alien, and George is a bedroom-eyed Middle Eastern tuba player.

I love that Bob still uses his VHS tapes. Makes me feel not alone in this world.

I would have paid good money to see the janitor buddy be the Janitor.

You really should. I had my mom play it as an instrumental at mine.

Oh wow, that really one-ups me. I just used an instrumental version of "She Make Him Happy" from the movie in my wedding.

I thought that it would have ended the show better if Frankie, after being told by the cashier how hard her kids had tried to find the right present, would have said, "You know what, I'll keep the salad hands." I mean there were a lot of moms exchanging presents there that day. Do that many mothers not care about