
That interior is awful tho. Ftfy.

We had a blast in our rental Mazda CX-7 in Florida last month. Skyactive with the sport shifter. Fun and accessible! Surprisingly spacious as well.

Just like any other great illusion, the trickery isn’t in knowing that it’s fake just because you don’t think it could be real but rather it’s in not knowing how it was done. This is great!

Uh, yeah, except not a single one of them nailed how he actually did it. You know, like illusions (magic) - the thing that makes them amazing isn’t that they’re not real...it’s that you don’t know how they did it.

I know a couple of dudes who were 757/767 drivers for a while (you got rated on both, since the 76 is just a wider bodied 75). They described the 76 as a pig but since the 75 had the engines designed for use on the 76, it was described as the “skinny chick with big titties” of the two. Can’t speak to the performance

You might be crazy, but you’re crazy right.

I guess I could have simplified it and left that part out, but the point still stands - having a mortgage is not ownership of your own property as long as you’re still paying to rent even a penny to live in that house. If by ownership you meant a cash buy for the whole amount, then sure.

You’re either renting the property or renting the money. You’d gain a hell of a lot more equity by living on the street and putting your money in a bank account since a good chunk isn’t taken out by property taxes, utilities, and/or interest.

I own, but I do so because I WANT to own.

LOL. Why? CP.

They’re not looking to establish a loyal fan base right away - it’ll be what starts as another entertainment venue in the entertainment capital of the US and will probably sell out every night. Throw in slots in the halls, and you have a killer revenue stream for the owners.

This is how the Ducks basically started - a

The answer is simple: ban walking.

That Lincoln ALWAYS has to out do Washington...

I did this for my ‘92 tracker which, thank goodness, has the wheelbase of a small go-kart. Messed up a lot of tubing along the way, but after it was done, it was great to see how good it looked and also feel how much safer it was (can a tracker really be SAFE?).

Ah, the free market at work. Don’t worry, the folks who did the math on this and knew it would probably fail are still making out well.

“Is a blast to autocross, spiritually drive, or even just cruise through town in.”

Talk about an out-of-body experience.

This is an oversimplification of the problems of an engineering system. It’s not usually ONE component that causes catastrophic failure. Yes, failsafes and fallbacks exists for single components - battery fails? No worries, backup battery. One visual sensor failed? Okay, we have others. Now introduce multiple failures

I think the key is “shouldn’t” in the article. Ideally, no...a self driving car shouldn’t need human interaction ever and even single points of failure can be handled, but, as in any complex engineering system, it’s SYSTEMIC failures that cause the largest issues - unforseen multiple component failures that the

Throw in the username ‘Mr(everythingIsBiggerHere)‘ and the whole comment becomes meta.

In the linked article, they seemed pretty reasonable, even stating that they understood the request to deplane and were helped off the plane by the flight crew.

I’ll immediately give the family in the case of ‘airline passengers vs. delay causer’ points because we all know how flying brings out the best in everyone.

I’m giving you to the count of tree to get out of here!