
You forgot to say ‘sorry’.

Yes, and it is just about literally painful to do so.

Absolutely. I buy kid’s books for my son because its easier to teach him how to identify and retrieve a physical book than it is to scroll through a kindle to find ‘Doggies’ and since he’s still in the throw it around or chew on it phase. I also just got the Stephen Hawking softcover bundle because I’m a fan and want

Your local autoparts store should have a free tool borrowing program too, with reasonable deposit. I’ve used it many times when doing suspension work (strut spring compressors ftw, although still VERY DANGEROUS).

All I read here was “boo hoo” and “waaaaah”...which sucks, cause I love your articles and writing style. I constantly jump the fence on the ‘left lane is ONLY ever for passing HNNNNNNG’ issue, but bugging the shit out of cops who should be pulling over dangerous drivers - which could be argued is you for passing on

I’m still in a bit of shock over how a mid-size pickup truck can be listed in the mid to high 30s. Hell, the 4 cylinder WORK TRUCK is over 20 grand! These things must basically be a license to print money for Toyota/Nissan/GM.

I have been using it in 1080p mode and I would describe the quality as ‘good enough.’ There are videos on YouTube if you want to see one. I find the resolution, exposure, and frame rate to be more than acceptable in a $100 camera. While it’s listed as weatherproof, you do need a case to make it truly waterproof.

The Polaroid Cube is JUST about as good, smaller, and has less expensive accessories. But, if you’re okay paying the $300 GoPro tax....i guess go for it?

I own a Polaroid Cube. Though the Session is probably not a complete rip off (they were probably developed around the same time), it does come with the $300 GoPro tax that makes it a ridiculous buy over the Cube.


Yeah, I think this really illustrates how much people care about, or how good sales people are at selling, monthly payment over actual vehicle price. Who cares that the car costs more and you’re paying longer as long as the monthly payment is affordable? Might as well call those long term loan deals leases as you’ll

Neutral - the new Camaro will have a turbo 4 configuration. We’ll see how it stacks up against the ‘stang. This is a good thing! It’s saving the sports car.

The couple of times I’ve been to Costa Rica, the place is rotten with these things...and I love it.

I work in the West Loop in Chicago with west facing windows on the 33rd floor of our building and see these at about eye level buzz right by whenever POTUS is in town. They really are a sight, along with the rest of his fleet. SO LOUD. The frequency of the rotors is just right to shake the whole office at their cruise

These videos somehow crack me up something fierce, every damn time.

1994 Ford Tempo. My mom had one as a loaner in the 90s when her Mustang was in the shop. I remember even then, as a kid, jumping in and thinking ‘oh cool, automatic seatbelts’. That’s where it ended. It was AWFUL. Rode awful, sounded awful, felt like it was coming apart on every bump, and the seats would have been

The bench front seat of my girlfriend-at-the-time’s Intrepid came in handy...if you catch my drift. The action that thing permitted alone prevents its entry into this list.

In the Midwest-ish we have TORC too. Some good shows out there on that. Got introduced to it by a racer in the series when a clothing company I worked for sponsored him in ‘09. Since then, been to NUMEROUS races in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Illinois. It’s as awesome offroad as you think it is.

Time to dust off the ol’ PC and get some carmageddon going on that thing again. What a GREAT game. MEEEEEEEEEMORIES!