
That’s because they had a fucking BILLBOARD warning black people not to fucking stay in town after sunset because the klan would fuck them up. I’ve heard stories of people at gastations warning our servicemen of color not to stay in town after dark... Mind you, this is shit that was done in like, the 90’s, but...

Rest in Peace. Poor girl... Poor family. I’ve been on the side of watching the person you love being knocked out on a ventilator and not knowing what to do. I can’t judge them for keeping her on it or letting her die naturally.

In my Mom’s case, things were so bad it wasn’t a matter of “Hey, I should totally pull the

Just chiming in to say Fuck Vidor. I live near it, and seriously. Vidor can go fuck itself.

Responded in wrong place, sorry!

I came here expecting someone like, throwing a dog up to do flips in the air, or something similarly fucked up. I did not expect this.

I love you as an actress, and had no idea of this website you were doing until this article... But I just need to say, you’re fucking amazing.

Seriously, fuck these people. Fuck these fuckers. They can have a shit ton of a fucking pig shit shoved down their fucking pie holes.

Nope, completely empathetic here.

Still going wtf at this whole idea. Like, first, who thinks this idea is even okay, or possibly sanitary? By the time your organic matter gets there, through the mail, it’s gon’ be NASTY as shit. If this lady is for real on making these things, she’s disgusting, and violating a bunch

Comment of the Year, please.

Pepper guy is weird.

I like my steaks with ketchup.

This sounds worse than the time I had the 2 root canals by the dentist that turned out to be on cocaine.

Mom thought he was messy when making temp filling.

I asked him if he ate powdered donuts. I was 16... Yeah no, 3 weeks later we see his ass on the news in deep shit for partying hard and doing lots and lots of coke

I’d contact his wife... She kind of deserves to know that he’s been cheating on her, at least emotionally, with this other woman. Just what the FUCK.

Thefuck did I just watch?

I didn’t take from that the woman in the story was JUST coerced...

My thought when it said she cried when she saw the cake, was that she might not be cancer free anymore, and REALLY didn’t want to deal with this asshole on TOP of that. I hope I’m wrong... Cause that made me sad. D:

Can white people stop making stupid fucking comments about this shit? Please?

If you don’t understand why this is a problem, RE-READ THE FUCKING ARTICLE. Minorities get LESS REPRESENTATION IN HOLLYWOOD. Someone was a FUCKWIT here.

They could have found an Asian-Hawaiian actor SOMEPLACE. They chose NOT to because they

“Next time on “The Doctors” Teenagers have moved on from using Butt Bongs, and Vodka Soaked Tampons, to summoning DEMONS. Is your teen at risk?”

Why the FUCK didn’t they put her and her son in protective custody? No, she didn’t need a fucking police order. She needed the police to actually PROTECT her. If he was on the loose, and likely to KILL HER, JESUS, Put her in a fucking safe house until you catch him!

Obligatory “Jesse.... We need to cook!”

Had to.

Okay, what the fuck with people grabbing the ketogenic diet. That one is for fucking epilepsy. Who the fuck in their right mind does that?

Okay, can The Learning Channel go back to teaching me things that aren’t like...reality tv based? Like, I might just be an old, but I remember when they taught me shit.

And I know, they teach me about fucked up people’s personal lives. (Not meaning this guy, I’m referring to the Duggars, etc.) I mean LEARN ME SOME REAL

Y’know how my Papa dealt with Dyslexia? He got Hooked on Phonics. Dead serious. He made all of us kids listen to it. It helped him understand some of it. Mostly he just dealt with it by being stubborn and like Neil deGrasse Tyson said... reading through it, devoting more time to it, and working on it.